#Autism and Anxiety: Interfering with life

Elliott is so extremely anxious that he is literally an emotional ticking time bomb. He hates school now because,  well honestly,  I don't know why. We literally have to carry him,  kicking and screaming to the car. There isn't anything going on at school that would explain this.  I think he literally counts the minutes until he comes home. I hate that life has become so challenging for him. I wish I could magically fix everything for him but I can't. We see Dr.  Reynolds tomorrow afternoon to discuss medication options again.  After the Zoloft disaster,  I'm a bit nervous to try anything else.  :-(


Gavin’s EEG: All done

Gavin's EEG was a success.  We don't have the results or know what anything means yet.  However,  we have an appointment with the neurologist soon and we'll find out then. The experience for Gavin wasn't a bad one.  I don't see Elliott doing well with any of this. He won't tolerate this well and probably freak out.. Having said that,  he may totally surprise me and that would be a-okay with me. I really can't say enough positive things about Akron Children's Hospital.. They are sooooo great with the kids and make an otherwise unpleasant experience, better.

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Gavin’s EEG: All hooked up

Gavin is officially hooked up and ready to go.  He did a great job.  In fact,  she said she wishes all her patients did this well. Great job Gavin.  Now I wait 2 hours for the test to be finished.  :-( I'm so freaking tired right now.....


Gavin’s EEG: I can stay

Gavin is currently getting hooked up to the EEG machine. They are sooooo nice and understanding.  I can stay with Gavin but he's fine and so I'll hang in the waiting room for a few hours. The really good news is that I can actually help out with Elliott test on Monday. Thank God for that. There was no way that Elliott would ever go through with the EEG without me being right there with him. They said I can absolutely be there the whole time and even help with the test. Awesome :-)


Gavin’s EEG: Way to freaking early

Gavin and I have arrived at Akron Children's Hospital. It's about 5:35 am and the building we are in is deserted at this hour. I had to call to let then know we were here. I'm not sure if they are going to let me go back with him. Lizze said that she thinks I may just have to wait in the waiting room. This may work for Gavin as he's a brave kid for the most part. He'll go back without a problem because doesn't fear to many things. Elliott on the other hand, will not be okay with this. I'm gonna talk to the staff about that today and try to make special arrangements for Elliott. It's gonna be a long morning..


Gavin’s EEG

I have to have Gavin at Akron Children's Hospital in about 5 hours, for his scheduled EEG. The test isn't supposed to take very long but holy crap, is that going to an early day or what. Lizze and Emmett are both under the weather, so they will probably sleep for most of the morning. I really hope this goes well.


The Sound of Laughter

Tonight I had the most amazing experience. I want to share what happened. Emmett was watching Gavin playing with Maggie and Bella. I was privileged enough to hear the beautiful sound of his laughter. I wanted to share this with all of you because it's my absolute favorite sound. :-)   [youtube width="720" height="480"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHFO9izyOW4[/youtube]  


Say hello to Bella

I would like to introduce you to the newest member of the Lost and Tired family. Her name is Bella and she is a purebred,  brindle boxer. Someone gave her to us last week. We weren't sure whether or not this was a good idea.  However,  she was worked out well so far and fits right in with the rest of the family. Our hope is that she will work well with Emmett and help to curb some of his behavior issues.  There were a few reasons we decided to accept her, the biggest was security.  Since our van was stolen last month,  someone tried to get into the house. I'm assuming it was the car thieves because they kept our house key.  They must forced the old key into…