We figured out what’s wrong with the van

We figured out what is wrong with the van.  It's possessed....or haunted.  That's right,  you heard me correctly.  It's possessed. We managed to get the van running when my Dad showed up by jumping it.  It's like the battery just died and everything went crazy.  Don't laugh but Lizze and I have been watching Supernatural and this totally seems like something right out of the show. Anyway,  we made it home just fine and all was well.  The van started up with out any problem. However,  Lizze looked outside about an hour after we got home and the headlights were on.  No the headlights are automatic.  They can be manually changed over so they are on or off but the automatic works out best.  Typically,  when you exit the van…


The new van just broke down

The goddamn van just broke down on the way back from Akron Children's Hospital.  We had stopped by GameStop so Elliott could use his birthday money to buy something for his 3DS.  Lizze was waiting in the van because she's having a rough time walking. When I left, I shut the van off out of habit.  After a few minutes Lizze tried to start the van because it was getting to cold.  She tried to start the van with the remote start and everything went nuts.  The van started and stopped and started and stopped.  Then it was trying to turn on at random times,  even with no key in the ignition. My Dad is on his way to rescue us and see if trying to jump start the van…


Elliott’s EEG: A bumpy ride but we made it

We have just finished up and it was exhausting. He didn't physically fight but he was hysterical while they were attaching the leads. I couldn't get a hold of Lizze in the waiting room.  I ended up just calling her phone and she was able to hear what was happening and made her way back. She was able to calm him down a little bit.  I was afraid he was going to vomit because he was so upset.  Elliott doesn't like things touching his face or even his head.  Basically,  this test was instant overstimulation for him. The tech was very patient and aside from the screaming,  Elliott did really well.  Does that make sense? He never really fought,  so he didn't need to be restrained.  I'm so proud of…

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I think this is a good omen

So I had to fill the gas tank once again in order to make it to the EEG today at Akron Children's Hospital.  Typically,  when I'm filling the gas tank,  I always try to stop on an even dollar amount.  It almost never happens when I'm trying and I have to top it off in order to even the numbers out.  You all know what I'm talking about,  right? Anyway,  this morning,  while I was filling the tank,  I was cleaning all the snow and ice off of the van.  When the pump stopped,  I went to check it and this is what I found.  I couldn't do this again if I tried.  :-) This has got to mean something,  right?  ;-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and…


Elliott’s EEG: Delayed

We have been sitting here for well over an hour waiting to go back.  I just went to check and make sure we weren't forgotten because the longer website here the more anxiety builds up. They are just running behind.  Hopefully he will be going back for our turn soon and we can get this done with. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive the typos. Auto-correct and I don't get along very well.


#Autism and the hat

Emmett is quite the handful but he's also just so stinking cute. Emmett came back from my parents house wearing this Cleveland Indians hat.  He never wears hats and so this was surprising. Typically,  his sensory related challenges prevent him from wearing things like hats.  They are just to uncomfortable. I was even more surprised when he put it back on this morning.  Many times when he does something once,  he never repeats it.  I'm pretty excited that he's willing and in fact,  actually wanting to wear a baseball hat. Awesome job Emmett.  :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive the typos. Auto-correct and I don't get along very well.


Elliott’s EEG: Arrived and Signed In

We have arrived and Elliott is signed in and we are waiting.  Elliott is actually doing pretty well.  He seems pretty relaxed and that's definitely a good thing. Hopefully,  this will be quick and painless.  :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive the typos. Auto-correct and I don't get along very well.


Elliott’s EEG: Anxiety out the ying yang

We haven't even left the house yet and Elliott is already freaking out. He's been crying all morning and has not been very cooperative with getting dressed. The poor kid is terrified of the wires that are going to be stuck to his head. Hopefully,  this will go well enough to get an accurate measure of whether or not,  something is going on.  I don't see him fighting the procedure,  once it actually begins.  I suspect he will lay there frozen in place.  It's the time leading up to the procedure that's going to be tough. We're taking the other two boys to my parents and then heading up.  I think we are gonna leave early because of the roads.  This appointment should only take like two hours or so. …