Tough choices: When not to vaccinate

Let me start by saying that I am not antivaccine. I firmly believe in vaccinating my kids,  not only for their health and safety,  but for yours as well. Having said that,  Elliott is due for his boosters.  Three boosters to be exact, chicken pox,  MMR and Polio. This is where the problem or rather the concern comes into play.  Elliott was hospitalized after his first MMR vaccine.  He had a bad reaction and they thought he had actually developed measles. It was pretty scary. Did it cause his Autism?  No it didn't. However,  that doesn't mean I'm not concerned. Maybe the first reaction was a fluke.  There's no way to know. Maybe the reaction to the booster will be worse or maybe there won't be a reaction at all.…


Shots and bloodwork

Elliott has his 6 year check up today and I believe that he needs his boosters and also some routine bloodwork.  He is going to completely lose it if that happens.  His anxiety is already high enough as it is. Plus to make things more interesting,  Gavin has to have his bloodwork done this afternoon as well. Lord have mercy... This is going to be one of those days that I wish I had slept through. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive the typos. Auto-correct and I don't get along very well.


Lost and Tired’s Question on the Day: 03/07/2012

I'm trying something new today. I want to help create a dialog within the community. I want people to feel comfortable expressing their feelings. There are two ways you can do this. If you prefer to respond in a more private manor, please feel free to reply and share your thoughts in the Lost and Tired Community Autism Support Forum's. Only other members will be able to see and respond to your post. If you would like to share the answers with the world, simply post your answer in the comments. :-) Lost and Tired's Question on the Day: 03/07/2012   I would like to ask you this question:   If you could make the world understand just one thing about Autism, what would it be and why?


Coping with meltdowns

I'm really struggling with Gavin and these meltdowns.  They happen anytime he is held accountable for his actions. I'm to the point where I feel like I have to choose between disciplining Gavin and putting the entire Lost and Tired family through one of his meltdowns. Tonight was no exception. Gavin went into the kitchen and on his way he just shoved his way through those of us standing there and he almost stepped on the puppy. I pulled him aside to talk to him about what he did and why he shouldn't do that.  He basically ignored me because he was to worried about getting back and watching TV.  So as he blew me off and went back upstairs,  I told him that he was to go shut his…


Meltdown Meltdown Go Away

Meltdown meltdown go away and don't come back another day.  Wishful thinking,  I know.  Gavin had a ginormous meltdown this evening and the Lost and Tired family is still recovering from it.  I'll have more on that later.  I just needed to purge a bit before I lose what's left of my mind. I get sooooo sick and tired of having to consider whether or not it's worth it to discipline Gavin because of the inevitable meltdown that will follow.  I wish things were simpler and I could just show Gavin what he did wrong and that would be it.  Instead, if I find myself in a situation where I need to discipline Gavin and choose to do so,  I have to be ready to deal with the consequences of…

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A return to therapy

Emmett returned to therapy after a fever flare induced absence.  Lizze felt well enough to take him today. When they get back we will have the boys to pick up from school and then grocery shopping. All I can say is that I hope everyone has a good day so we can all have a good evening. I really can't take any fighting, screaming,  yelling or meltdowns right now.


#Autism and Indecision

What is it with #Autism and indecision?  This post is about my kids and my personal experience.  I'm in no way trying to say that all person's with Autism are indecisive. My kids have got to be the most indecisive on the planet.  Well,  maybe not the planet but they are the most indecisive in my world. They can never seem to make up their minds and when they do,  it never lasts for very long. Gavin actually does pretty well. It's Elliott and Emmett that are the most challenging.  Elliott is by far the worst in this area. On Tuesday nights,  when he sees Dr.  Pattie,  he can never decide what he wants from the prize closet. We have tried lots of things like,  reducing his choices or limiting…


A nice slow day

Today is a relatively slow day.  The boys are off to school and the van started up without any problem.  The only thing we have to do today is OT and Speech for Emmett.  Dr.  Pattie is on vacation,  so we don't have therapy tonight or tomorrow night. I do have to go grocery shopping today and really don't feel like it.  However,  the family needs to eat.. :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive the typos. Auto-correct and I don't get along very well.