Elliott’s Vaccine Reaction: The exam

Elliott and I are already at the pediatrician's office.  The redness and swelling is continuing to spread and Elliott says his arm feels like it's on fire. He's pretty nervous but handling it well.  I,  on the other hand,  am pretty freaked out. They said over the phone that one of the concerns is cellulitis,  if the swelling continues.  We have been putting on cool compresses on his arm all morning but it doesn't seem to be helping much. We just can't seem to win.  As I was leaving this morning,  I accidentally shut Emmett's finger in the goddamn door.  He had reach to grab the door and stop me from shutting it and I didn't see his little hand there.  Father of the year......sigh :-( **Thanks for reading**  …


Please say a prayer for Elliott

Elliott woke up this morning complaining about his arm hurting.  He had received two booster vaccines 2 days ago so it seemed that tenderness was to be expected. However,  when I looked at his arm,  I was taken aback.  His entire upper arm is swollen and and stiff.  The skin is very hot to the touch.  This appears to be a rather serious reaction.  We are calling the pediatrician to find out whether we should there or straight to Akron Children's Hospital. Elliott is freaking out and I'm a bit worried myself. This was not like this last night. This has occurred within the last few hours.  Has anyone ever seen this. The pictures don't show all the redness but you can see what I'm concerned about. Please say a…


#Autism and surviving the screaming and whining

This has been the day from hell.  Thankfully,  Elliott is feeling better but he and Emmett have been at each others throats all goddamn day. I swear they are setting out to drive Lizze and I crazy. A large portion of the problem resides with Emmett.  He has been in a really weird place for the last few days.  He's not getting along with anyone right now. There has been more screaming today than in the entire series of Scream movies.  I mean,  it just never stops. If the slightest thing goes wrong or the tiniest thing is out of place,  Emmett just freaks out. The combination of Elliott whining and Emmett screaming is something that would break even the most difficult people to interrogate.  Although it does border on…


Today’s Victory: 03/08/2012

Today's Victory is brought to you by Mr.  Emmett John.  I meant to share this yesterday but I guess I forgot.  Anyway,  I was reminded today because Emmett did this again. Emmett, the world's pickiest eater has decided that he likes Kashi Granola Bars.  This is awesome because these are really good for him and there is nothing artificial,  at least as I understand it.  Tons of whole grains and protein. The reason this is a Today's Victory is because it's a big step forward for him.  He doesn't like many textures and this is something he has always refused to eat. Great job Emmett.  Daddy is sooooo proud of you.. Posted from WordPress for Android


#Autism and the Grapes of Wrath

Elliott did stay home from school today because of his fever last night,  however,  he's seems to be doing just fine now.  He helped me clean out Emmett's aquarium before lunch. I made Elliott chicken nuggets with whole grains breading.  He had some grapes and a glass of chocolate soy milk. This is about as adventurous as he gets when it comes to eating.  He ate everything accept all the grapes.  He loves grapes so I wasn't sure what the problem was.  I told him to just eat 5 grapes and we'll save the rest for another time. When he came down to the last 3 grapes he really began to struggle.  When I asked him what was wrong,  he explained that the holes were to big. I was like, …


Lost and Tired’s Question of the Day: 03/08/2012

Lost and Tired's Question of the Day: 03/08/2012   Can you share one good quality that your child with #Autism possesses?      I like this question because I would love to hear about some of the amazing qualities that our kids on the Autism Spectrum possess. :-)   Remember, as always, you can reply to the discussion here in the comments or more privately in the Community Autism Support Forums by following this link: http://lostandtired.com/autismsupport/showthread.php?t=133&p=641#post641    


Elliott’s already running a fever

It's only been a few hours since Elliott received his vaccines and he's already running a fever. It's not unexpected for this to happen but they did warn us that he may have a reaction because he has in the past. He's already missing school because of the fever and hopefully that will be it... We will be watching him closely tonight and tomorrow. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive the typos. Auto-correct and I don't get along very well.

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Better safe than sorry

We finally made it home,  relatively unscathed.  Elliott got 2 boosters and was not a very happy camper but he survived. His doctor took a great deal of time with us today and I totally appreciate that. It was decided that the risk to Elliott significant enough to warrant a consult with his immunologist.  That is the safest road to take right now.  If he had a reaction this time it's very likely that it could be worse.  We are going to have his antibodies checked to see if the vaccine boosters is even necessary.  If it is,  well,  we'll just have to cross that bridge when we get there.  For now we just need to watch him for the next day or so to make sure he doesn't have…