If you’re a special needs parent, is it selfish to have more kids?

Should a special needs parent have more children?   Over the past two years that I have been publicly blogging, I have been asked the above question on more than a few occasions and in various different ways. I'm personally, always taken aback when someone approaches me with this question. On the surface it seems like an ignorant comment, from someone who just doesn't know what not to say to someone else. While that may be true of some, there are times that people ask the question because they actually want to know. I thought I would explore this question a little bit and present it to all of you for your thoughts and opinions. Please keep this tactful and be sensitive to everyone's feelings. While I don't personally think…


#Autism: The still of the night

I know it's no secret that life with an Autistic child can be challenging.  I also know that for some,  myself included,  that can be a gross understatement. There are so many days that I feel like I just can't continue.  The struggles are just to great and I don't know if I can find the strength to get up,  even just one more time. Sometimes,the last few hours of the day are the absolute most difficult to survive. I know at least some of you out there understand what I'm talking about. While everything I said is the truth,  at least my truth,  there is one exception. Every night,  when I check on my babies,  the very same ones that were driving me crazy all day long, I see…


Starting Monday with a freaking fever cycle

As if Monday's weren't traditionally bad enough for the Lost and Tired family.  Today we're starting things off with Emmett beginning a new fever cycle. This may explain his behavior as of late. In some weird and probably inappropriate way it's sorta like PMS for him.  He gets really moody and very easily agitated. About a week later,  he seems to his his fever cycle.  Like I said, weird and inappropriate,  but it's the only way I can think to describe it.  Hopefully,  the rest of the week gets a bit better or at least doesn't get any worse. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive the typos. Auto-correct and I don't get…


From my perspective

Yesterday, I posted a picture showing you a moment from Emmett's perspective. Now it's my turn to show you a moment from my perspective.

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Today’s Victory: 03/11/2012

Today's Victory is brought to you by Gavin. Gavin has a lot of challenges in his young life. He struggles with behavioral issues and has, several times, in the past been hospitalized for those behavioral issues. However, today is a day that I want to celebrate because Gavin had an absolutely perfect day. While we never stride or push for perfection, that doesn't mean we will discourage it. In fact, I want to share with everyone, just how proud of him I am. Today, Gavin was a fine example for his younger brothers. This isn'talways the case but today was a very big exception. We had no meltdowns from him today and he was instrumental in many of today's activities. Great job Gavin... :)


Killing Cabin Fever

Today was a beautiful day. It actually approached 70F outside today. I couldn't pass up the chance to get to the boys outside for a little while. We went out into the backyard and spent some time playing, cleaning up and having fun. They got to chase the dogs around for quite some time before coming back into the house for some snacks. Dare I say it? It was a normal afternoon.


From Emmett’s Perspective

I thought it would be neat to share a view of this exact moment, from Emmett's perspective. This will just give you an idea of what he is seeing, doing and experiencing at the very moment.


Elliott’s Vaccine Reaction: No Change Yet

Elliott's reaction to the DTP and Polio booster hasn't improved as we thought it was.  However,  it's not getting worse,  so I guess that's something. His arm is beginning to itch really bad but the swelling seems to have stopped at his elbow. While it doesn't seem to be getting better,  it certainly doesn't seem to be getting worse. While I'm definitely a supporter of vaccines,  this has me concerned. I'll keep you all posted as to how he is doing.   Thank you for all the thoughts,  prayers and advice.   :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive the typos. Auto-correct and I don't get along very well.