F*ck you time change

There are few things I dislike more in this world than the time change. I mean,  I personally handle it just fine,  however, my three. Autistic boys don't.  The simple act of moving the clocks ahead by one hour is completely disruptive.  It's like someone took their world and shook it up like a snow globe. It becomes total chaos for them and subsequently for us as well. I say this every spring and fall because the time change is like my worst enemy. I try to bring peace and order to our world and time change seeks to bring confusion and chaos. The confusion and chaos,  typically lasts for a few weeks.  Those few weeks are among the worst of the year. This may sound dramatic,  but the switch…

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Tuesday night fever

Emmett just woke up crying a little while ago.  We had thought his sinus infection was back but noooo,  it's a brand new fever cycle.  While the fever is minor,  his mouth is breaking out again.  That's what caused him to wake up in pain tonight. This sucks because there really isn't much we can do for him until it's over. When it's over,  can be as far as 10 from now. For his sake,  and everyone else's in the Lost and Tired house,  I hope this is a quick cycle.  :-( It's gonna be a long night.... **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android


Isn’t #Autism enough?

We have some news that is difficult to process on the Elliott front.  We met with Dr. Reynolds on Monday to discuss other medication options to help manage Elliott's extreme anxiety. We discussed Elliott's rather extreme reaction to the very low dose of Zoloft and our obvious concerns. This is where things got a bit scary. The main concern at this point is bipolar disorder.  This was exactly how Gavin presented years ago. This was something Lizze and I were afraid of when we experienced his reaction.  Nothing is for sure but it's something we will have to keep an eye on going forward. I'll be totally honest with you.  This scares me to death.  Elliott was my most typical baby now this.  It feels like another loss.  :-( Tonight…


Today’s Victory: 03/13/2012

Today's Victory is brought to you by Mr. Emmett John. Today was a big day for him. He took his puppy to the Vet to get a checkup and shots this morning. He was very brave and stood by her through the entire process. When he got home, he did the unthinkable. Before he went into the house, he wanted to take her to try potty, so she didn't pee in the house. I know it doesn't show up very well in the picture but it had just rained. Everything was muddy and wet but that didn't stop him from walking her into the yard. He was even wearing his shoes and not his boots. This almost never happens. It's totally amazing what a little boy will do because he…


I’ll be there for you

Bella had a appointment at the Vet this morning. Emmett was very anxious to go along with Bella. He wanted to make sure she was okay. He was so freaking adorable, and he did such a good job taking care of his friend Bella. The Vet was so nice, as usual. He explained everything he was doing, so that Emmett understood. He was concerned but super brave when it was time for Bella's vaccine. The Vet said that Bella was the perfect dog and that Emmett was doing an amazing job of caring for her. I explained how Emmett and Bella are perfect for each other. Bella helps Emmett to do things that he wouldn't do otherwise. As his father, I'm so incredibly proud of how well he's doing with…


#Autism: Being their teacher (episode 1)

As a special needs parent, words cannot express how important of roll I play in my children's life. One of the things I like to do is use every opportunity to be their teacher. As their parents, my wife and I are the most important teachers. As their father I do my very best to lead by example and give them as much real-life, hands-on experience as possible. I have discovered over the many years that I have been a special needs parent, that my children seem to learn better by doing.  Basically, this means that I need to let them do things for themselves as much as possible and under safe and supervised conditions. Don't get me wrong, school is extremely important as well. However, the reality is that my kids need to…

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The good morning meltdown

I can't think of a better a better way to start the day than with one of Gavin's meltdowns.  It's even better after a night of no sleep.  Of course,  this is pure sarcasm and I'm choosing to try and be humorous about this because I can't afford to go the other way.  Gavin freaked out this morning over what he was wearing to school. Today is spring picture day and the boys are allowed to wear a dress shirt to school,  instead of their uniform shirts. In all the years Gavin has been in school,  he has always worn his uniform shirt for pictures.  It's just one of those things he was more comfortable doing.  This morning,  he decided that he was going to wear his Super Mario t-shirt. …


If you’re a special needs parent, is it selfish to have more kids?

Should a special needs parent have more children?   Over the past two years that I have been publicly blogging, I have been asked the above question on more than a few occasions and in various different ways. I'm personally, always taken aback when someone approaches me with this question. On the surface it seems like an ignorant comment, from someone who just doesn't know what not to say to someone else. While that may be true of some, there are times that people ask the question because they actually want to know. I thought I would explore this question a little bit and present it to all of you for your thoughts and opinions. Please keep this tactful and be sensitive to everyone's feelings. While I don't personally think…