Headache Infusion: 03/15/2012

Lizze's first headache infusion session has seen some positive results. They started her off on the meds see ended on theater time around.  Tomorrow is the final treatment and I'm really hopeful to see continued success. Emmett and I surprised Lizze by picking her up after the appointment.  My mom was supposed to pick her up but I called her off.  Emmett was so worried about his Mommy.  He held her hand and helped her to the van.  He made me so friggin' proud.  We got Lizze home and she slept till dinner.  She's feeling a little better and we are of course,  watching Supernatural and enjoying the quite. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android


Today’s Victory: 03/15/2012

Today's Victory is brought to you by Mr. Elliott Richard.  It may be possible that the meds are actually working.  I hate even saying that outloud because I don't want to jinx myself. He came home from school today,  changed his clothes and I found his school binder set out on the couch for me to look through. This has never happened before. I only heard him whine once today. Knock on wood but I think we are on to something.  :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android

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Daddy, I’m seeing things

I haven't mentioned this before because,honestly,  I was trying to pretend that this hadn't happened.  Unfortunately,  it's continuing to come up and so I had to address it,  regardless of my reservations. There are some things that I never wanted to ever hear come out of my child's mouth.  Sometimes, things just don't go as planned.   Instead, at times,  it prefers to dictate the direction I will be taking. I can usually cope with these times pretty well. However,  when life throws curveballs at my kids,  I don't always cope well. About two months ago, Elliott came to me and told me that he's seeing things. I asked him what he meant because I was hoping we weren't going in the direction Gavin has gone.  Gavin suffers from schizoaffective disorder…

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#Autism and those little quirks

As many of you know already,  kids with #Autism can very often have little quirks.  For those of you unfamiliar with Autism,  I thought I would help you understand what I mean when I say quirks. When I think of quirks,  I think little oddities that seem to make up part of someone's personality. In Emmett’s case,  he has quite a few quirks.  Some are cute and even a bit endearing,  while others can almost interfere with his life at times.  For the purposes of this post,  I want to share one of Emmett's more consistent little quirks. While he doesn't do this all the time anymore,  he does it more often than not. Emmett hates and I mean hates getting anything on his shoes. Recently,  he has been doing…


#Autism, Anxiety and Risperdal: 03/15/2012

I thought I would update you on Elliott experience with Risperdal thus far.  Yesterday evening,  we began to notice Elliott becoming very um.....hyper.  I was at an appointment last night and Lizze was saying that Elliott was bouncing off the walls....literally.  He would literally,  run into the wall.  Now Risperdal isn't an antidepressant,  so I'm not real sure what's going on.  I would better understand if it was an antidepressant,  as that would point back to the whole bipolar thing. This has me confused and concerned.  This morning,  he seemed to do pretty well.  In fact,  I didn't have to fight him on anything,  now that I think about it. Perhaps,  last night was unrelated and just your run of the mill overstimulation.  Well,  here's to hoping....  :-) **Thanks for…

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#Autism: Pet dogs and Pet names

You have all been introduced to Bella, our Boxer puppy.  She's basically Emmett's dog.  They have grown very close over that past few weeks. Anyway,  Emmett has changed her name a little bit.  Instead of Bella he now calls her,  Bella Welland. On occasion,  he even calls Princess. Wiggle Bottom. He really connects with her I'm really grateful for that. Looking for more cool dog names? Check these out. Thanks for reading        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android

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To pooped to play

Maggie and Bella,  the canine members of the Lost and Tired family,  have played themselves into a state of exhaustion. They are both curled up on the couch twitching in their sleep.  Just wanted to share something that put a smile on my face.  :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android


Emmett’s Lego Creation: 03/15/2012

I wanted to share with you all,  one of Emmett's Lego creations.  He just recently began building on his own.  This is a pretty big step forward for him.  It's one of those things that some people simply wouldn't fully appreciate,  unless they were a special needs parent themselves. I'm totally proud of him and his creation.  Emmett calls this masterpiece,  Bowser's Ship. It's a Super Mario things.  Please leave your positive feedback so I can read it to him later on.  :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android