On the road again

Akron Children's Hospital,  here we come. Elliott seems to be fine this morning. Emmett on the other hand,  is fighting his fever again. It looks like I'll be taking the boys to Akron Children's Hospital today and Lizze will stay with Emmett. Having Elliott present for Gavin infusion makes me nervous. As a special needs family,  we have to be able to evolve and meet the current circumstances. This is part of what makes things so exhausting. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android

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God, we need to have another talk

God, I know we have talked about this before but I feel we need to revisit the topic once again. I thought we were on the same page.  Clearly,  I was wrong about that. I know you must think that I can handle the challenges associated with being a parent to 3 special needs boys.  I appreciate your confidence in me, I really do but sometimes I really think that confidence is misplaced. Do you remember when I asked you,  rather, begged you to please not allow more than one of my kids to ever be sick at the same time?  I just had to put Elliott back to bed after he woke up from coughing,  just like Emmett. I really think we need to talk about this ASAP. **Thanks…


Emmett’s fever has broken

Emmett's fever has broken.  That's great news,  as it looks as though we can avoid the ER tonight. However,  Emmett has been vomiting for the last 30 minutes.  It's safe to say the he's returned all the Tylenol we gave him. Now all we need to do is keep him hydrated and hope his fever stays away until he can have more Tylenol and Advil,  in a few hours... It's heartbreaking to see how he reacts to being sick.  He's just snuggled with Lizze and covering his mouth so he doesn't vomit again.  My poor,  sweet Emmett John,  I hope you feel better soon.  **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android

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Please say a prayer for Mr. Emmett John

We just heard back from the pediatrician's office about Emmett.  We were told today,  that on the off chance his fever hits 103°F,  we need to call in. When they called us back a little bit ago,  they told us to give him some Tylenol on top of the Advil he had over an hour ago.  If his fever doesn't break in the next 90 minutes,  we have to get him into the ER. Lizze's parents are on standby to come get the boys in the event we end up in the ER tonight.  Please God,  just let the fever break.  He's miserable and a trip to the hospital will be traumatizing for both and us.  The local hospitals aren't always very Autism Aware and so things don't always go…


A 104°F wrench in our plans

To further complicate matters,  Emmett's fever has almost hit 104°F.  I think this is going to put a wrench into our plans for tomorrow.  It's one thing to send him to my parents with just a bad cough but with a fever of 104°F,  I don't want him going anywhere. It looks as though Lizze and I will have to split up in the morning.  I hate having to do this because this is a pretty big appointment for the boys and we should both be there. At this point,  my priority has to shift to Emmett and managing his fever.  Typically,  it wouldn't be a huge deal,  but since he started with the fever disorder a year or so ago,  he hasn't been typical when it comes to fever.…


#Autism, Anxiety and Risperdal: Day 6

Today is day 6 of Elliott's journey with Risperdal.  For those new to the Lost and Tired blog,  Elliott struggles with rather extreme levels of anxiety. His anxiety had reached a point that it was/is interfering with his life, not to mention,  driving those around him crazy.  The poor kid worried about everything and we don't want that for him. I wanted to share with you all how the first week or so goes.  I thought someone might benefit from our experience.... So far,  we have had some mixed results with the Risperdal.  Having said that,  he is having much better days now.  He seems much more relaxed and able to enjoy life. While he still struggles from time to time,  the experience thus far has been overwhelming positive. In…


Manic Monday: 03/19/2012

  Welcome to Manic Monday. Once again Monday has arrived. Not only has it arrived, but it came baring gifts. The Lost and Tired family doesn't usually enjoy Mondays and for good reason, they almost always suck. Manic Monday is really the best way to describe the way things go for us. Monday is sort of a launching pad for the rest of the week. In other words, it sets the tone for the days ahead. When Monday has problems, it's pretty certain that the rest of the week will follow suite. Last night, Emmett started with the pretty nasty cough. He climbed into bed with us and I ended up moving to his bed because there wasn't enough room. Needless to say that no one slept well last night. When he woke…


#Autism, Communication and Not Feeling Well

Emmett woke up this morning with a really nasty cough.  In fact,  he's coughing to the point that he is dry heaving. We suspect that it's post nasal drip nut he has also has a fever of 101.4°F and rising. Because of Emmett's communication struggles,  we don't what's going on as he can't tell us.  Since the cough is so bad and he is running a fever,  he's going to the pediatrician this morning.  I'm not a fan of going for no reason but when Emmett can't communicate what's wrong and is sounds as bad as it does,  plus he's running a fever,  I don't like to take chances.  Since he also has PFAPA,  a fever disorder,  we just never know what's going on with a fever and the only…