Wednesday Night Fever

I'm sooooo friggin' tired. Between Emmett and now Elliott,  sleep was had by none.  Elliott is running a fever this morning,  most likely courtesy of Mr.  Emmett John. I'm pretty sure I saw it written somewhere that if you have special needs kids,  only one child can be sick at a time. If that isn't written somewhere,  it should be. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)


#Autism + Croupe = No Sleep

Emmett is still sick and just woke up with a fever of 103°F.  It looks like he may have strep throat. His throat is really sore and in the Lost and Tired family,  that usually means strep throat. We will get him into the doctor,  first thing in the morning. Oh yeah,  Elliott is starting with a fever as well..   :-( **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)


Do you have a blackmail photo?

Every parent has a blackmail picture of their kids. It's a picture that we can break out when they are older and have a good laugh. Well I think I have Emmett’s blackmail photo.  This is the infamous finger in the nose shot. I'll save this for some rainy day in the future.  :-) Anyone else have a blackmail photo of their kids.  This is all done in good fun and no one is everything really blackmailed.  :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)


Time to join me and get Fit4Autism

I came up with the idea of "Fit4Autism" last year. It’s kind of a play on word’s. However, it's way more then that. As special needs parents we need to be able to take care of our children for as long as possible. The unfortunate truth is that many of us dedicate so much time and energy to our children that we fail to take care of ourselves. "Fit4Autism" is a challenge I’ve issued to myself and now to you. That challenge is to start doing things to improve your overall health and fitness. Simple things like eating healthier and becoming more physically active. Parking farther away from the store (when possible) or simply walking. As a father to 3 special needs kids (all Autistic) I know how difficult it is to…


From my perspective: 03/21/2012

I thought I would share with you another moment from my perspective.  I think it's cool to be able to show you a moment from my life,  through my eyes.  This is what I saw this morning as I dropped my boys off at school.  For whatever reason,  when I see Elliott walking into the building,  he just seems so small.  This is one of those images that I carry with me all the time. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)


Today’s Victory: 03/21/2012

Today's Victory is brought to you by the newest member of the Lost and Tired family,  Bella.  Bella is Emmett's boxer puppy and best friend.  Emmett has been really sick for the past few days with fevers exceeding 104°F on several occasions. He has coupe right now but we are suspecting strep because his throat is really sore. There have been many times,  like this morning,  when he was simply inconsolable. However,  little Ms.  Bella has managed to provide him comfort when nothing else would. So,  for that I sat thank you Bella and I proud to award you with Today's Victory. :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as…

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How I got a PlayStation Vita

This is more for the techies out there that like video games.  :-) I have been playing video games since before Nintendo was even know the radar. I was always fascinated by them.  Fast forward to present day and my kids have all followed in my footsteps. I'm sure you have heard me talk about Elliott and his 3DS -thanks to Best Buy- as well as Gavin obsession with video games. I have had a game console on and off for years. I would purchase an XBOX 360 or PS3 with tax return,  when money allowed for it.  Inevitably,  at some point throughout the year something would happen and I would either sell it to come bills or trade it in to GameStop because it was causing to many problems…


When you have more questions than answers

I'm feeling quite overwhelmed as of late.  We keep receiving more and more bad news.  I mean,  bad news is probably the wrong word choice but it's pretty darn close. The latest addition to the Lost and Tired family symptoms list is now seizures. I was positive that I was going to get the EEG results back for both Gavin and Elliott and everything would be normal.  I wasn't prepared to hear that they are having seizures. Honestly, I don't even know what to do with that information.  The only experience I have with seizures is as a paramedic.  I always say that I hate going to an appointment looking for answers and end up with more questions. That has been the status quo for as long as I can…