Elliott’s Lego Creation: Super Mario Sunshine

For those of you that didn't know,  Elliott is obsessed with Super Mario anything. Currently,  his favorite is Super Mario Sunshine.  He has a few little Mario characters but none from Super Mario Sunshine.  We have looked everywhere but couldn't find anything.  He wants a little Mario character with flood on his back. He so desperate for this that he has taken to making his own. He's blending scotch tape, Lego's and his Super Mario characters and making them into pseudo Super Mario Sunshine characters.  He's very proud of them and wanted to share them with the world.  **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see…


The Lighter Side of #Autism: Risky Business

How many of you have seen the movie Risky Business? If you haven't, there is a scene where the character played by Tom Cruise is sliding across the floor and dancing in his underwear. My littlest minion, Emmett, was channeling that character while watching an episode of Phineus and Ferb.  He just starts dancing and grooving to the song on the show. He's way to stinkin' cute and I think he knows it. Please enjoy the Lighter Side of #Autism: Risky Business   [youtube width="720" height="480"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7Z9Q1NZ5Ks[/youtube]

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Gavin does not have pneumonia

Gavin has been to the doctor and he does not have pneumonia...at least at this point. His throat is full of red dots and they tested for strep,  however,  the rapid test must have come back negative because we never got a call. Last night,  Gavin was coughing up and storm.  He was waking himself up.  I kept asking him if he was okay,  and he said he was fine. Perhaps I shouldn't rely on what he says because he's not a very reliable source of information like that. He may be saying he's fine because he simply doesn't know what else to say. I'll have to keep close eye on him and watch for signs that things may be getting worse. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and…


Fit4Autism: Day 3

I totally didn't feel like walking this evening. It's been a long week and everyone has been sick for days now. However, I pushed myself to go and I feel great having done that. Here is my workout from today..... If you would like to join "Fit4Autism" send and email to rob@lostandtired.com I’ll get an invite off to you right away. Everything is tracked via www.endomondo.com. My hope is that I get as many people to join as possible. There's motivation and encouragement in numbers. Endomondo works no matter where you are in the world. The more we have the more attention we can get and the more Autism awareness we can spread. Anyone wanting to support the cause is welcomed to join. We owe our kids healthy parents and this is…


Motivating myself to workout

I don't think tired quite describes how feel right now. The last thing I feel like doing it walking.  However,  it's important that I push myself to go because if I skip now,  it will be easier to skip out later on. As much as I don't want to go now,  I'll feel sooooo much better about myself when I'm done.  Sometimes I have to remember that I'm not just doing this for me.  I'm doing this for my future as well as my kids future.  They need me to be around for a really long time. If I don't get and keep myself healthy,  I won't be able to do that. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from…


Today’s Victory: 03/23/2012

Today's Victory is brought to you by Elliott.  This is more of a humorous Today's Victory.  I try to really find the positive each day but let's be honest,  sometimes there just isn't a positive side. Today is one of those days.  I going on little to no sleep and I have an entire house full of sick people. This morning,  Elliott appeared from behind his bedroom door with the craziest hair I have ever seen on him. Despite being completely miserable,  he still somehow manages to pull this hairstyle off.  How many of us can honestly say we could do the same.  Shoot,  I know I couldn't.  I mean,  I don't have any hair but if I did, I couldn't pull it off.   :-) So congratulations Elliott on pulling…


Elliott does not have pneumonia :-)

We had a last minute change of plans.  Lizze took Elliott to the pediatrician's office this morning.  As it turns out,  Elliott does not have pneumonia like his younger brother.  What Elliott does have is an extremely nasty sinus infection.  He begins antibiotics this afternoon. The doctor said that with infections this bad,  a second round of antibiotics will likely be needed. While it sucks that he is this sick,  I'm super happy that he doesn't have pneumonia. Next up to the pediatrician today is Gavin.  Gavin has the occasional cough but his throat is sore.  The doctor wants to see him because,  I guess they are seeing pneumonia cases presenting with only a sore throat.  As I'm thinking about it,  Gavin had pneumonia nine months ago and didn't show…


I’m surrounded by germs

Sitting here in the living room,  I'm surrounded by people coughing and hacking.  Elliott and Emmett are both running fevers. They are both a bit grouchy and irritable but I can't blame them for that. They are clearly miserable. How challenging is it right now?  Let's just say that at some point, last night, my sanity ran away to join the circus without me.  We were supposed to run away together but I guess it was just to much for it to bare. My only goal for today is survival.  I have no illusions when it comes to reality.  Right now it's all about survival. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any…