More than a handful

Emmett woke up from his nap and is already wreaking havoc on the Lost and Tired household.  He immediately gets to pushing Elliott's buttons and lighting his fuse.  Do any of you out there have a little trouble maker like my little Emmett John. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)


I’d almost prefer the nightmares

So you all probably know how hard we have been trying to move out of this house and neighborhood.  The increasing level of violence spilling in has reach a point where it's literally not safe to live here anymore. We have had several close calls,  on in particular involved a drive by shooting where I was almost killed. Ever since our van was stolen,  our ability to move has been hampered due to the additional expense of having to buy a new van and what we had to put down in order to get financed. Basically,  we're stuck here,  at least for now. I think we have all adjusted to that notion,  however,  the kids keep asking when we will be able to move. Gavin in particular,  seems to be…


Lost and Tired, overwhelmed and STRESSED

One of the things that I know a lot of people don't get,  is the sheer amount of stress that can go along with special needs parenting. I'm only speaking for myself I this particular case but I'm sure my words echo that of many others.  One of the biggest issues that I face,  while trying to keep that Lost and Tired family moving forward,  is stress.  I'm not talking about stress,  I'm talking about STRESS. I mean the kind of stress that can't be measured by any traditional scale. I have had countless doctors and or therapists ask me how I do it.  How do I manage to survive in this amount of constant,  unending and ever growing amount of stress.  There have been studies done that show a…

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Gavin is rapidly decompensating

Gavin is massively struggling right now.  He had 2 enormous meltdowns today.  We are once again walking down the dark path of self-injury.  Today he beat himself up pretty good.  The 2nd meltdown was the worst,  by far.  He bruised his knuckles punching himself in the face. I'm not sure what we are supposed to do at this point. If the self-injury gets any worse,  we have have the consider the psychiatric ward at Akron Children's Hospital,  once again. Today has been exhausting for me and everyone else as well.  I'll have more information about what happened at some point tomorrow.  Right now,  I'm going to try and get some desperately needed rest tonight. I have begun losing track of the days.  I don't think that's a good thing.  I…


Gavin’s Lego Creation: 03/31/2012

This is Gavin's latest and greatest Lego creation.  I don't know what it's called but he's really proud of it. Gavin has had a really rough day, in fact,  one of the worst in recent history. However,  I wanted to end the day for him on a positive note.  So I thought I would share something positive.  Here you go,  Gavin's nameless Lego creation. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)

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Gavin’s Lego Creation: 03/31/2012

This is Gavin's latest and greatest Lego creation.  I don't know what it's called but he's really proud of it. Gavin has had a really rough day, in fact,  one of the worst in recent history. However,  I wanted to end the day for him on a positive note.  So I thought I would share something positive.  Here you go,  Gavin's nameless Lego creation. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)

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#Autism: A love story

We were gone for a large portion of yesterday.  We had Gavin at the doctors and found out some new information. While we were away,  Elliott was at school,  Emmett was with my Mom and Bella and Maggie were in their respective kernels,  waiting for our return. It's so neat to watch Emmett and Bella reunite after spending time apart. Lizze got some cuter pictures but this one kinda caught them running to each other.  It was like you see in the movies.  All that was missing was a nice soundtrack. What you can't see in this picture is the dozens of tiny Bella footprints,  all over the front of Emmett's coat.  I know she's work and added responsibility but moments like this really make me grateful she's a member…

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Meet Mr. I’ll Never Take a Nap

I would like you to meet Mr. I'll Never Take a Nap.  You may also know him as Elliott.  I made everyone lay down for a little while and Elliott made the biggest crocodile tears he could muster and swore up and down that he would never be able to sleep Literally five minutes later,  when I went upstairs to tuck him in,  this is what I found.  **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)