#Autism, Seizures and EEG’s: My Elliott is home

Elliott and Lizze have returned from their overnight stay at Akron Children's Hospital last night.  Lizze and Emmett are napping and Elliott and I are catching up.  Actually, Elliott's in the bath tub getting all the gel out of his hair.  It pretty greasy and sorta nasty-ish.  He wanted it out,  so that's what we are doing. He's playing in the tub and Bella keeps sneaking licks of water when she thinks no one's looking.  :-) I think we are going to have a special dinner tonight in celebration of Elliott's return home and the awesome news that what he's experiencing are not seizures. That's reason enough to celebrate in my book. The Lost and tired family has a very long history of not receiving good news like this. So…


The Lighter Side of #Autism: 04/06/2012

Emmett had a relaxing morning.  He was very preoccupied with the fact that we had no PopTarts left.  However, it was a pretty quiet for the most part. He even laid out on the floor and colored for a little while,  which he never does. This is definitely The Lighter Side of #Autism. I hope you all have at least the occasional moment of peace and relative tranquility.  I know things are rough at times or most of the time.  Stay strong and know your not alone. You are all in my thoughts.  Do your best to find something positive to focus on.  I know how hard that can be,  trust me.  It just helps to some times see that there is at least some good within all the chaos…


#Autism, Seizures and EEG’S: Elliott explained

Alright,  we have received clarification as to what the heck is on with Elliott.  Elliott is experiencing some abnormal electrical activity,  however,  they are not seizures. It was explained to us that kids on the #Autism spectrum are at a higher risk for seizures activity anyway.  However,  in Elliott's case, the abnormalities are not producing actual seizures.  They also said that he may develop seizures like Gavin, as he gets older. So that's where Elliott stands right now.  So just to recap,  the shaking he is experiencing is not seizures.  It's his body dispensing with excess energy. I don't know if that's normal but at least it's harmless. They are going to be monitoring him as he gets older because he is at risk of developing seizures as he gets…


#Autism, Seizures and EEG’S: When it’s not seizures

In some incredible,  bizarre twist of fate,  the doctor met with Lizze just a few minutes ago and told her that it turns out Elliott is not,  I repeat,  NOT having seizures...At least not during this test. He explained that what was happening was not seizures but instead Elliott's body expending excess energy. That's what is likely causing the shaking and tremors as well.  What I don't know is whether or not the results of the original EEG still mean anything? There was spikes in the electrical activity in his brain. That's was created the need for the second, longer EEG in the first place. Lizze is finding out about the seizure activity from the first EEG because we want to make sure that we fully understand what's happening. They…


#Autism, Seizures and EEG’S: The morning after

I spoke with Lizze this morning. Elliott has been having periods of shaking again but they aren't sure if they are seizures or tremors. He's in good spirits but ready to come home when this is all over.  He's had at least 3 seizures since the test began, so something is definitely going on. Something has to be figured out for the tremors as well of they turn out not to be seizure related. Emmett and I have been up for a few hours already.  He seems to be feeling okay so far this morning. He was really excited to camp out in the living room last night. He snuggled with Bella and Maggie all night. Lizze said that they will be released sometime between 2-3pm this afternoon. It will…


From my perspective: What’s for breakfast

At this very moment,  I'm staring at my breakfast. I'm working really hard to get and stay healthy.  I started by adjusting my diet.  I'm eating a ton of fruit and working on the veggies.  :-) This morning I'm having a fruit salad for breakfast. It included the following: Pineapple Green Apple x1 Banana x1 Strawberry x3 Yogurt x .5 cups Kashi Granola x .5 cups 1 glass of chocolate soy milk This is pretty random but I wanted to share a little bit more about me.  :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)

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#Autism, Seizures and EEG’S: They come in 3’s

The last time I spoke with Lizze,  Elliott had already experienced 3 seizures. That was about 9pm last night. I'm laying next to Emmett,  who's having his own problems and feeling completely helpless.  I realize its totally irrational but I can't do anything to help them.  I hate feeling helpless or powerless to take away what ails them. I wish I could do and be more to them.. :'( The pictures are courtesy of Lizze :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)


The Lighter Side of #Autism: A boy and his dog

Part of my goal for #Autism Awareness month is help people see what Autism can be like in real life.  There are many sides to #Autism and I want to take this opportunity to share a bit of the lighter, more positive side. Because it does actually happen,  not nearly enough, but it does happen.  Here's the proof. :-) Does is get any cuter this?  I mean,  I know I bias but honestly, this is pretty friggin' cute..  :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)