#Fit4Autism: Day 15 UPDATED

I haven't been able to walk since Gavin and Elliott were in the hospital this week.  I going to attempt to make up for that this afternoon by doing about 4 miles. I don't have a great deal of time because the kids are a handful right now and Lizze has had better days. However,  as much as I don't feel like doing this today,  I'm going to do this for my kids.  A healthier me equals a better father for me them. When I get a chance,  I want to get t-shirts made up so that I can spread more #Autism Awareness. I'll post my workout when I'm done.  You can also follow me if we're friends on endomondo. Here goes nothing...... UPDATE: I kinda did pretty friggin awesome…


#Autism and those tough holiday decisions

As the holidays roll around, it may go without saying that difficult decisions will need to be made.  As special needs parents, we have to weigh the desire to visit family and friends against doing what's best for our kids. For the Lost and Tired family, that decision is never an easy one. With 3 boys on the #Autism spectrum, we have to consider what's best for them over our personal desire to visit with the people we hardly ever get to see.  It's a very ugly truth but a truth nonetheless. Large family gatherings typically bring with them the chaos of noise, crowds, smells and expectations.  All of these things can be and usually are,  extremely overwhelming for kids on the #Autism spectrum. It helps when family and friends…


Mystery Picture of the Day: 04/07/2012

This is totally off topic but it's my blog and do what I want.  :-) I thought it would be fun to show you a picture and have you guess what happened.  It's a change of pace and we could probably all use it.  So,  take a good long look at the picture below and tell me what you think happened. Just leave a comment with your guess and I'll let you know if you guessed right. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)


A restless night that ended with…

Last night was really, really weird. Some how,  I ended up on the couch. I think it was to hot on the second floor and I was uncomfortable.  For me,  I sleep better when it's colder in the room. Anyway,  Lizze woke me up when she got up this morning and told me to go upstairs because Elliott wasn't feeling well and needed me. I snuggled Elliott in our bed for a few minutes before he sat up and vomited all over the floor. The poor kid kept apologizing while he was puking.  He was upset that he was making a mess in my room. I kept reassuring him that it was okay and he had nothing to apologize for. Then he realized that he probably won't be able to…


Do you ever just feel burned out?

Maybe this is a dumb question but do you folks ever just feel so burned out from everything that you can't imagine doing this much longer? I feel like that at times and I think it's pretty normal to feel that way. The problem is that once I get to a certain point,  it's really hard to keep motivating myself to go on. It's like the moment I lose my footing or drop the ball,  everything just piles up so fast and walls close in around me. There's almost no way to recover in time.  Maybe it's just me but the world seems very unsympathetic to my plight.  I'm referring to the outside world,  not people that actually get it. I think it could be helpful for those of us…


Today’s Victory: 04/06/2012

Today's Victory is brought to you by Mr.  Elliott Richard.  When your a special needs parent and your kids frequent the hospital, one of the best feelings in the world is having them come home and tucking them into their own bed. I was fortunate enough to be able to do that tonight.  I have my sweet Elliott Richard back home tonight and I'm so thankful that he's not having seizures. Elliott was super brave the whole time he was there and I'm so proud of him.  He is being honored tonight with a Today's Victory. :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android


Today she Victory: 04/06/2012

Today's Victory is brought to you by Mr.  Elliott Richard.  When your a special needs parent and your kids frequent the hospital, one of the best feelings in the world is having them come home and tucking them into their own bed. I was fortunate enough to be able to do that tonight.  I have my sweet Elliott Richard back home tonight and I'm so thankful that he's not having seizures. Elliott was super brave the whole time he was there and I'm so proud of him.  He is being honored tonight with a Today's Victory. :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android


#Autism: The escape artist

In the entirety of time that I have been a special needs parent,  I have never really had to worry about my kids sneaking out or wandering off.  We have been very fortunate in that area because many families have that to contend with as well.  Gavin was the only one to ever get out of the house and wander off.  That happened one time but he wasn't seeking out for the sake of sneaking out.  I had asked him to collect up the recyclables and put them in the recycle bin inside out mud room.  I was referring to an empty milk jug and a few empty paper towel rolls. Gavin was very focused on collecting the recyclables and he decided to go out the back door and search…