Do you ever feel like somethings wrong?

As a parent to at least 2 boys with major medical issues I'm always on the look out for health issues. Unfortunately,  that isn't as easy as it sounds.  Because #Autism has affected their communication abilities, it's often very difficult to know what is happening.  With Gavin,  a lot of what he says doesn't make any sense, especially when it comes to how he's feeling. When it comes to Emmett,  he simply lacks the expressive language ability to articulate how he feels. All to often,  I have to rely on my gut feelings to tell me somethings wrong.  Most of the time all I can do is trust that gut feeling and get them to the pediatrician for an evaluation.  There really isn't a better way at this point. Our…


Nothing like waking up to a meltdown

There is nothing quite like being awoken by someone having a meltdown. This morning, I awoke to the sound of Emmett having a meltdown. I don't know what had set him off but we are still dealing with the overstimulation brought on by our dull and boring Easter. Perhaps the meltdown is tied to Emmett's fever cycle.  We know that he has large cold sores in his mouth right now. Maybe it's not any one thing but a combination of many. All I can tell you for sure is that this is not the way to start the day. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't…


Lost and Tired + CNN = #Autism Awareness

I have been working on something and have been pretty hush hush about it. However, I think I can let the cat out of the bag, so to speak. :-) I'm soooooo excited to share with you all that I have written my 1st article for CNN. I'm told the article will go live sometime tomorrow. This article is for #Autism Awareness month and I really hope it helps to educate those that aren't as familiar with #Autism and help them to have a better understanding of what lies beneath the surface. It's so important for the future of not only my kids but all children and adults with #Autism, that the world see them for who they really are. They are all amazing people in their own unique way…


A Lost and Tired family Easter: 2012

The Lost and Tired had a rather dull and boring Easter.  Perhaps that sounds bad to some but to a special needs family with 3 boys on the #Autism spectrum,  dull and boring is exactly what we need. Unfortunately, as dull and boring as it was,  the boys are still overstimulated and bouncing off the walls. I decided that it would be best to find a constructive outlet for all their energy.  So,  I decided to do something crazy.  We took the boys and the dogs to the playground to get rid of some wiggles. They all did really good job listening and I was even able to let the dogs off the lead and let them run for awhile. If the holidays are supposed to be about family and…


Confession of a special needs father: 04/08/2012

I haven't had a confessions post in quite awhile,  so this is a bit overdue.  For those of you new to my blog,  I really try to be as honest as possible,  even if it's not very pretty or makes me look bad. I really believe that by being honest, I can help someone out that that maybe feels isolated or alone in the way they feel about something. I also try to remove the stigma attached to things like depression,  for example. It's been awhile since my last confession.A lot has happened in that time.  I thought I would bring my newer readers up to speed on things.  I suffer from depression and on the depression front,  I think I'm doing pretty good.  I feel tired a lot but…


Happy Easter

I  want to take a second and wish all of you a Happy Easter.  Please have a safe and happy holiday.  I hope it's understimulating, anxiety free and absent of meltdowns. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android


#Fit4Autism: Day 15 UPDATED

I haven't been able to walk since Gavin and Elliott were in the hospital this week.  I going to attempt to make up for that this afternoon by doing about 4 miles. I don't have a great deal of time because the kids are a handful right now and Lizze has had better days. However,  as much as I don't feel like doing this today,  I'm going to do this for my kids.  A healthier me equals a better father for me them. When I get a chance,  I want to get t-shirts made up so that I can spread more #Autism Awareness. I'll post my workout when I'm done.  You can also follow me if we're friends on endomondo. Here goes nothing...... UPDATE: I kinda did pretty friggin awesome…