Join the Community #Autism Support Forums

Lost and Tired's Community #Autism Support Forums   Here at Lost and Tired, my goal is to actually help people by presenting them with our real life experience as parents to three boys with #Autism. While our situation may be different from yours, we are all on the same journey. Something else we all have in common is that we all need help and advice from time to time. Personally, I like speaking to people who have actually been there, or are actually going through something similar. I have found that this type of support helps on many levels. For starters, talking to other parents is very non-clinical and much more personal. We can relate to each other in a understanding and non-judgmental way. What I find really cool about this is that you can openly speak…


Screw you fever disorder

I'm so friggin tired,  I can barely focus my eye on my phone right now.  The letters on the keyboard are all blurring together. This is the second night in a row that Emmett woke up at about 3am and didn't go back to  bed. Yesterday, Lizze was kind enough to get up Emmett and so today I wanted to return the favor. Lizze is in pretty bad shape today anyway as the weather is havoc on her fibromyalgia. This 3am crap has got to stop. The problem seems to be this current fever flare has got Emmett in a very uncomfortable spot. There is nothing left that we can do about it. I need like 10 years of sleep...  sigh **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired…


Looking for guest bloggers

#Autism Awareness month is upon us and I would like to help you share your personal story.  I truly believe that the best way to spread effective #Autism Awareness is to share how #Autism has touched your life or the life of someone you know or love. I would like to provide a platform for you to do just that,  share your story. I'm looking for people to write a short or long essay about how #Autism has touched their life.  The whole point is honesty.  So if your experience is less than positive tell me about it.  Likewise, if your story or experience is positive, I would love to hear that as well. The whole point is to show the world just how profoundly different #Autism can be from…


What’s worse than 1 child with mouth sores?

What's worse than 1 child with mouth sores?  How about someone else getting them as well.  As you may recall,  Emmett has a fever disorder that goes by the acronym PFAPA.  It's not very common and causes Emmett to run a fever for about 10 days every 3 weeks. Along with the fever, he also gets really horrible mouth sores. We have been told that these sores are contagious and we have been told that they aren't contagious.  So we have just assumed they were contagious and we're very careful during one of his flare ups. These are herpes related at all,  like typical cold sores.  These are somehow tied to these fevers. Up until now, we haven't had any issues as far as these sores spreading to anyone else..…


Lost and Tired is a Top 30 Autism Blog for 2012

I would like to thank for honoring me with this awesome award. I put a great deal of time into this blog but it wouldn't be as successful without my amazing readers. You folks come back to read my words day in and day out. I'm so grateful for all your support. :-) Most importantly, I want to thank my family for helping me and providing the inspiration for the Lost and Tired blog. My wife helps to make sure I have time to write. She's awesome and I'm very lucky to have her.  Be sure to check out her cool blog when you get a chance. My amazing kids love being a part of this blog and I'm so proud of them for being who they are, challenges…


Today’s Victory: 04/10/2012

Today's Victory goes to the famous Gavin.  Gavin has been in charge of trash day for awhile now.  Basically,  he helps me collect up the trash and other recyclables and take them all out to the curb for collection. Gavin has been doing a really good job at this and I have never recognized him for it. That was an oversight on my part and I am correcting that now.  Gavin is being awarded the coveted Today's Victory award for doing such a diligent and efficient job.  I'm very proud of him because he really does try.  Pound for pound,  I don't know anyone that tries harder than Gavin does. Great job Gavin and I totally appreciate your effort.  :-) You can see Gavin hard at work through our dirty…


Emmett’s Lego Creation: 04/10/2012

This is Emmett's,  made from scratch,  all by himself Lego Creation. He didn't name this one and he did,  he didn't share it with me. What I really enjoyed was the picture taking process. See for yourself below :-) He was showing us the many moods of Emmett....  ;-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)


Why I have grown to hate the holidays

As the years have past by me,  I have learned to hate the holidays.  This is coming from someone that loved the holidays until recently. I know hate is a strong word but so is my distain for the holidays anymore. How many of you out there going through the same thing every holiday?  You do everything possible to limit excitement so that your kids don't get overstimulated,  anxious and than meltdown.  Every year my wife and I avoid gatherings like you would have during the times of the plague. We have tried new traditions that don't involve leaving the house,  loud noises,  bright lights or crowds of people. It honestly takes a great deal of time and energy to pull something like this off. For example,  we basically skipped…