I’m so friggin tired

Elliott woke me up because he had an accident.  This never and I mean never happens to Elliott. Because his bed is unusable at the moment,  him and I are camped out on the couches... I'm sooooooooooo tired..... **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)


#Autism: Sharing our treasures

I always love to share my kids creations with you all. What I really love about sharing their creations is why I'm sharing them.  My kids are actively making things just so they can share it with you. I think that's pretty cool.  :-) So once again Elliott has created something to share with you all. He didn't name this one but he's proud of it nonetheless. Gavin wanted to share his Halo action figure collection with all of you as well. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)


#Autism: When you’re told there is no hope

Lizze and I are so pissed off right now I can barely write this.  Because of that,  I'm going to keep this short and sweet. Basically,  we received a phone call about Emmett's speech therapy.  Emmett has been having speech therapy for 180 days now and has not progressed fast enough is not caught up yet.  Insurance has stated that Emmett will never catch up and so they will no longer cover speech therapy for him. In other words,  they are essentially saying that there is no hope for him and that we should give up. I don't have words to express just how pissed off I am right now. I realize insurance is about the bottom line but who the fuck says something like that?  How do they sleep…


I’m really starting to lose faith

Poor Mr.  Emmett John is once again facing another medical issue.  He has finished up his last day of Prednisone the other day for his then current flare and has already started another flare.  I don't think that we have ever seen this happen before. If you look below,  you will see just one of the large mouth sores.  Since she these are not herpes related, there is very little we can do.  In fact, the only treatment is Prednisone and Unfortunately,  there is a major draw back to using that.  Basically,  it suppresses his immune system and leaves him susceptible to things like pneumonia.  He just recovered from pneumonia a couple of weeks ago. We have a few calls in right now because we don't know what to do. …


#Autism and Eggshells

Elliott is easily the most sensitive of our 3 boys.  He recently spent some time at Grandma's house coloring Easter Eggs.  Actually,  it was more like one Easter Egg, but it was a very special one. Elliott and Grandma had carefully drained the egg out of the shell,  so the egg was hollow. They hand painted it and it looked beautiful.  Elliott was so very proud of his egg.  When he brought it home,  he asked me to take a few pictures and share them with all of you. However,  during the picture taking process,  there was an accident and Elliott drop his precious egg. The egg was only slightly damaged and Grandma took it home with her and fixed it right up.  When Elliott and Gavin went over to…


The Lighter Side of #Autism: 04/12/2012

I don't think this needs any explanation :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)

Read more about the article #Autism: The 12 year old toddler
This is now

#Autism: The 12 year old toddler

The Age Gap em>One of the most frustrating parts of raising a child on the spectrum for me is what I call the age gap. I have spoken about this before but it is something I struggle with everyday. I constantly have to remind myself to look below the surface before I react to whatever is going on. The Disclaimer   Please keep in mind that I'm speaking only to the experience I'm having with Gavin. In the Lost and Tired family, Gavin is the best example of this phenomenon. Please don't take this as a blanket statement about all Autistic persons. Everyone is different and so this may not apply to your situation. However, I will say that I have heard from many parents who are dealing with the…


I swear I don’t poison my kids?

The title may be a bit dramatic but I have a serious question.  Elliott,  my 6 year old with Aspergers is having issues with eating.  All of a sudden the way food tastes to him is different. Anymore,  he will take 2 bites out of something,  that he has a long history of enjoying,  and say that it doesn't taste right.  If you press him for details,  hoping to find out something useful,  he says it tastes like poison. Poison.....really? Here is how the conversation goes: Me: Elliott,  how are your chicken nuggets? Elliott: Daddy,  they don't taste right. Me: What do you mean they don't taste right? Elliott: Daddy,  they taste like poison. Me: What do you mean they taste like poison?  Elliott,  I would never feed you poison.…