Ending things early

Today has been the day from hell.  After I get Elliott and Gavin in bed,  I'm shutting things down early tonight. I hope you all have a pleasant evening.  I'll see you all tomorrow morning,  bright and early. :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android


I’m on the fast train to insanity

This has been the longest weekend I can remember in quite some time. No one is listening and Gavin is really struggling. I'm hoping to avoid losing my mind so my amazing wife is encouraging me to go donate a few more miles to #Fit4Autism.  So I think that's what I'm going to do. I missed the past 2 days so I need to make up for that anyway. My goal will be to do 5.20 miles this afternoon.  I'm gonna walk with my parents and they are picking me up since we are still stuck with a flat tire. This will definitely be one of those times that I really have to focus on why I'm doing this,  because I really don't feel like working out today.  I'm gonna…


The Lighter Side of #Autism: 04/15/2012

One of the things I treasure most about Emmett is his new found imagination.  For the longest time, he didn't seem to have one.  Lately though,  he has been building creative things out of Lego's and doing pretend or imaginary play as well. This is so good to see him do this.  I wanted to share what he was doing this afternoon.  Emmett put on a pair of Spiderman pajamas and ran around the house saving the day.  He was shooting his imaginary web's at the imaginary bad guys. This is a very easant turn of events on a day that has not been going well. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android

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#Autism: Goodbye and good riddance to Spring break

I just have to say how much I love my kids. I would die for anyone of them in a heartbeat.  Having made that clear, they are driving me absolutely crazy. They are literally bouncing off the walls.  Emmett is so miserable from the fever flare and he is being rather aggressive toward his brothers. He's also extremely overstimulated from being around them all week long. Elliott is experiencing a great deal of anxiety and hyperactivity as of late and aside from gluing his feet to the floor,  there is nothing that will slow him down. I don't even know where to begin with Gavin. The creep factor is once again making itself known.  We have had to restrict his ability to play with his brothers unsupervised.  He's also mimicking…

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#Autism: The art of redirection

As a father to 3 special needs boys, I learned a very long time ago that one of the very best ways to counter some of the behavioral challenges is by using redirection. Redirection doesn't always work but it's my go to approach when things start to go down hill. I wanted to share a video of me redirecting Emmett's attention the other day. You may remember that I had Emmett to the pediatricians office recently because he has hit a second fever flare, immediately following a previous one.  Emmett did not want to be at the doctors office and was doing everything he could to get out the door and run away, while we were waiting for the doctor to come in. He got really upset and began to have a…


Today’s Victory: 04/15/2012

Today's Victory is brought to you by Mr. Emmett John himself. Emmett is perhaps the pickiest eater I have personally come across and with 2 other kids on the #Autism spectrum,  that's saying something.. For those that may be missing the significance of what's going on in this photo,  I'll be glad to explain. Lizze had steamed some peas for herself and had quite a bit left over as she was the only one eating them. However, out of nowhere,  Emmett began asking questions about the peas and asked if it was okay if he ate them.  This is so friggin big because Emmett will not eat vegetables. He has even backed off on fruit as well. Getting him to eat anything anymore has become a challenge and out of…

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The Lighter Side of #Autism: 04/14/2012

I attempted to take Elliott together his hair cut this afternoon only to remember that we had a flat tired.  The mention of getting his hair cut sent him into full blown panic mode. However,  Lizze's mom and dad picked him up and managed to get him to cooperate with exercising all that crazy hair he had going on. The anxious and overstimulated Elliott Richard arrived home about an hour or so later,  looking very handsome.  No sooner did he get home,  he fell asleep on the couch.  Bella took the opportunity to snuggle up to him and fall asleep as well. I so love the quiet moments.  They don't happen very often, but when they do, they are so amazing for me.  While the Lost and Tired family experiences…


#Autism: Special dietary needs

Some of you may recall that not only does Emmett have #Autism and PFAPA but also food allergies.  Emmett is allergic to milk, soy, egg and lactose.  Finding foods that are milk,  soy,  egg and lactose free is really difficult to do.  Trying to find foods without these ingredients,  that Emmett will actually eat,  is darn near impossible. Over the last year or so,  with everything going on,  we have become a bit complacent with managing Emmett special dietary needs. It's not that we are lazy or don't care but rather overwhelmed with to many things and honestly,  Emmett diet has taken a back burner. As a result,  Emmett is having tummy issues and horrible,  wicked gas.  You simply wouldn't believe the unnatural oder that can permeate from this tiny…