#Autism: Facing new challenges

I haven't updated you on Gavin in a few days and so now is a good time to do so.  I'm heartbroken to have to share with you that Gavin is now facing yet another challenge. Gavin will be getting leg braces or maybe ankle braces.  He is walking on the outside of his and sorta rolling his foot from heel to toe. I would think the braces would basically immobilize his foot and ankle, essentially forcing him to walk correctly.  I could be wrong in my interpretation but not think that makes sense. I don't known how well he'll tolerate this.  It could go just fine, or it could be a very unpleasant experience for everyone. We should have more information very soon and when I do, I'll be…


#Autism: Battling the insurance companies

Do you recall how Emmett has been refused speech therapy?  Do you also remember that the reasoning behind was that he hasn't made enough progress and he's not expected to catch up? As if that wasn't bad enough,  they have now denied him occupational therapy as well.  The reasoning is that it isn't medically necessary. The justification for that is based on a numbered scale,  where aparantly Emmett tested a few tenths of a point to high and so he no longer needs therapy.  You'll have to excuse my language but that is fucking bullshit. This is like jump into your waders because the shit is getting deep kind of bullshit. A few tenths of a point? He's not not expected to achieve? Are you fucking kidding me? Clearly they…


#Autism: Regulatory issues

Many times I have spoken about Gavin’s inability to self-regulate.  This is pretty much across the board. One of the main concerns is his inability to regulate his own body temperature.  This may be due to a disorder called Dysautonomia,  something we are returning to the Cleveland Clinic for in the next few weeks. Anyway,  I wanted to share an example of what I mean by inability to regulate his body temperature and why it concerns us. In the picture below,  you will see Gavin sleeping.  However,  it's what Gavin is wearing to bed that is concerning.  He is wearing a long sleeve shirt, a T-shirt, and then a sweat shirt. He's also wearing pants and socks. He is sleeping under a sheet and comforter as well.  It was in…


Thank you all for today

I just wanted to take a second and thank everyone.  I'm so touched by the huge outpouring of support and #Autism Awareness generated today.  I have been humbled once again by all the amazingly supportive people out there. Before I sign off and go to bed,  I just wanted to make sure you all know how grateful I am for all of you. I truly mean that,  from the bottom of my heart. Please have a peaceful night.  :-) FYI: I have a few very important things to share in the morning.  Today has just been crazy and I'm exhausted.  Stay tuned.  **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Community Autism Support Forum Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct…


#Autism Stories: Nathan’s Voice

I have had the pleasure on knowing Lorrie Servati author of Nathan's Voice for awhile now. She is an amazing writer, #Autism advocate and friend. I encourage you all to take the time check her site out and learn about #Autism through Nathan's Voice.  Lorrie, it's an honor to share your amazing story with my readers. Thank you for allowing me to do so. :-) The Life Story of Nathan's Voice   I have been blessed with one beautiful daughter, three handsome sons, a energetic grandson and a precious granddaughter. My husband and I have been together for almost thirteen years and getting ready to celebrate eleven years of marriage. We dated for almost a year and a half before getting married. This is mostly due to the previous relationships that…


Things I never thought I’d say to my kids: 04/16/2012

This is one of those conversations I never expected to have with any of my kids.  It went as follows: Elliott: Daddy,  where is the hand sanitizer? Me: It's in the kitchen Elliott,  are you okay? Elliott: No,  actually I'm not. Me: Elliott,  what's wrong? Elliott: When I was picking Bella up,  I accidentally touched her penis. Me: Umm.  Elliott,  Bella doesn't have a penis. Elliott: Well,  what is that pointy thing? Me: That is called a vagina.  Realizing where this conversation was going I channeled my inner Kindergarten Cop and said Boys have a penis and girls have a vagina. I think I'm going to go hide now. That is enough of that kind of talk for one day,  or really a lifetime.  :-) **Thanks for reading**    …


Today’s Victory: 04/16/2011

Today's Victory is brought to you again by my tiniest little minion, Mr. Emmett John. He just keeps racking these awards up lately.  :-) I don't know if this really needs any explanation,  especially for my egulr readers that are familiar with Emmett's story.  For those newer,  this is a pretty big deal because he's walking outside barefoot.  This is the same kid,  that up until he got his puppy Bella,  wouldn't get his shoes wet or dirty.  He still struggles with this but he's making amazing progress. Awesome job my little man.  Daddy is soooooo extremely proud of you:-) Also he's posing as Spiderman in one of the pictures as well. Oh...and he's actually wearing clothes :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our…


Lost and Tired is on CNN

A heart shattered by a glimpse into autism   I'm soooooo extremely excited to announce that my article is live on CNN.com right now. You can click the link in the title above or simply click here. Please take a second and read this for me and for yourself. This is #Autism Awareness month and we can all use a bit of awareness. it's kinda like, you can never be to old to learn something new. So please show me some love and support by checking the article out and sharing it if you feel the need. Please your feed back on the CNN site. I truly appreciate your time as I know how valuable it is.   Thank you Madison and thank you CNN for helping to spread #Autism Awareness..  …

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