Under the weather

I really don't think Emmett is feeling well.  I don't know what's wrong because he can't tell me but I can't tell somethings wrong just by looking at him.  My poor, sweet, beautiful and challenging Emmett John.  I wish you were feeling better. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)


Monday, we meet again

Monday and I go way back and we have once again crossed paths. The inevitable reunion has been a rather unpleasant one thus far. Emmett has been very difficult to work with today.  So far it's been a lot of screaming, yelling and crying. I don't think he's even feeling well but he doesn't appear to be sick so it could be another cycle kicking in. That just plain sucks. Emmett and Elliott have both been up since around 4am and so I'm struggling to keep my eyes open right now. Lizze is at PT but will be home soon.  I have Emmett on the couch watching NetFlix. I think when she gets home we are going to try to hit the farmer's market and stock up on some fresh…


Today’s Victory: 04/22/2012

Today's Victory is brought to you by Emmett John.  Boy,  Emmett sure has been racking these things up :-) Bella had been playing to aggressively with Gavin and so she was in time out. Mean while, I was in the kitchen.  I overheard Emmett talking to Bella in the sweetest voice.  He was explaining to her that "Bella, we don't bite.  You can give big boo boos and make Gavin feel bad".  I tried to record it because it was so cool,  but instead found myself hanging on his words instead. Way to go Emmett,  you made Daddy sooooooooooo proud. On a side note,  while this is a really positive thing,  it is a bit ironic.  Emmett has been biting a lot lately as well.  I just found it interesting…


#Autism: Pausing the chaos

I swear to God,  sometimes I feel like I'm living in the middle a professional wrestling ring.  The feature attraction is one Emmett John.  He's the chair throwing,  stair jumping, couch diving finger biter. I don't know what's going on with Emmett lately but sweet Jesus, is he a handful. He's actually a really sweet boy but at the same time,  he's like a really old stick of dynamite that could go off at any moment and for any reason. I've lost track of the meltdowns today. The other boys,  especially Gavin, really try to be patient with him.  Elliott really struggles with him because he is Emmett's primary target, in most cases. So many times today, I wish I had a pause button for Emmett.  When he would get…


Everyday lessons: Shopping for Crickets

Most of you have met Toothless, Elliott's bearded dragon.  Elliott lost interest a long time ago but Emmett has stepped into fill the vacancy.  One of Emmett most favorite things in the world to do is going to the pet store and getting crickets for Toothless. This time he did the whole thing on his own. He carried around the basket and knew right where to go.  He asked the lady working to please get him crickets. I had to say how many we wanted but he did a really good job. He carried the basket up to the register and put them on the belt and I paid for them. He held them the whole way home and them fed them to Toothless. I know this may not seem…


#Autism: My kid is a filler

Emmett John is my 3 year old with #Autism and #PFAPA.  He's many things, amazing, sweet, loving, compassionate, intelligent and challenging. I could go on and on listing his qualities but I want this to be a short post. Among all the things listed,  Emmett is also a filler. What do I mean by a filler?  Well,  Emmett likes everything to always be full.  If he drinks some of his Gatorade,  for example,  he needs to open another one and top it off. When the hand sanitizer is low,  he fills it up with water. He's a filler...  :-) What I don't however get,  is that he'll empty one bottle of Gatorade in order to fill another,  and he's okay with it.  :-! Do any of your children have the…


Bella fits right in

The longer Bella is with us,  the more we realize just how well she fits in. Almost everyone in the Lost and Tired family chews on things,  so why should Bella be any different.  Well,  she's not.  I found this yesterday and was anything but pleased. It my vacuum cleaner.  Sure I can fix it but I don't have accidental coverage through Best buy.  I just don't know if this is considered accidental or not.  :-) This was totally my fault.  I mean,  I didn't put the cord in her mouth and force her to crew on it but I did leave it on the floor. Oh well,  it will either be a cheap fix or a free replacement.  Either way,  lesson learned. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost…

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#Autism: Worries of regression

I live in constant fear of my kids regressing. I experienced that horror with Gavin when he was about 4 years old. Over the years,  Gavin continues to regress. Out of nowhere,  he would lose a skill he had already mastered but would usually gain it back or was able to relearn it. However,  anymore,  Gavin just loses the skill and simply doesn't recover. With that being said,  I extremely worried about Emmett because he's at the same age that we lost Gavin and he seems to be slipping. This is just the latest example of Emmett regressing.  Emmett has been completely potty trained for quite some time now.  However,  until about 6 months ago,  Emmett wouldn't have to strip naked to go potty.  He moved past that and we…