Finally, some peace and quite

Even when it comes at the end of the night,  peace and quiet is always a welcomed visitor at the Lost and Tired household.  Unfortunately, we don't get these visits very often. However,  when they do come around,  they are greatly appreciated and when they leave,  they are sorely missed. This quiet moment was after the boys were in bed and I just couldn't keep Bella off of me or my eyes open.  Bella kinda sucks all the energy and stress away when she snuggles. I think that everyone should have a Bella of their very own. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive…


Dear God….WTF

I apologize in advance if anyone is offended by this post, as that was not my intent. ~End Disclaimer I'm so pissed off right now. I don't understand why Emmett cannot catch a friggin break. He just started another goddamn fever cycle.  This makes the 3rd cycle in the last 30 days.  Each cycle lasts 7-10 days.  During this time,  he's in a great deal of pain and often inconsolable. The last 2 fever cycles ran back to back (which has never happened before) and finally ended a few days ago.  This evening we noticed Emmett's cheeks were very flush and while at therapy tonight with Dr. Patti, we discovered that his mouth was breaking out in cold sores once again.  So I have to ask...WTF God could you show the…


#Autism: The Many faces of Emmett

No matter how frustrating Emmett can be,  his smile just melts me every time. It's really hard to be angry for long.  All my boys have amazing smiles,  they get that from their mother.  :-) The many faces of Emmett John **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)

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#Autism: PT and foot and ankle problems

I wanted to update everyone on Gavin's foot and ankle issues.  I spoke with his PT yesterday and we got a referral to an orthopedic specialist.  We need to get that appointment made today. However,  on the positive side. Yes you heard correctly,  I said positive side.  Basically,  Gavin naturally walks on the inside of his feet,  however,  now he's walking on outside of his feet.  The bones in his feet are actually shifting and he has these bony knobby type things on the outside of his feet as a result.  The orthopedic specialist will know if anything needs to be done about that.  However,  we're thinking that Gavin will likely only need special inserts for his shoes. That would be friggin awesome if that's the case.  Something with Gavin…


#Autism question of the day: 04/24/2012

For my newer readers this is a post where I ask an #Autism related question a you answer,  ya know,  if you feel like it :-) This is something we do just about every day in the #Autism Help forums.  People seem to really enjoy it.  :-) What do you find me the most challenging about raising a child with #Autism? Likewise, what do you find the most rewarding? **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)


#Autism: It’s just a phase..right

I don't know what's going on with Emmett but he is absolutely out of control. He on some kind of super duper, hyper,  ultra fast,  bouncing off the walls and driving Daddy crazy setting right now. He's even getting way to aggressive with with his precious Bella.  I can't tell you how many times a day Lizze and I look at each other and say "what is going on with him? " We need to find him a more constructive outlet. I just keep telling myself "this is just a phase, this is just a phase." **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any…


Final Thought: 04/23/2012

Life in the Lost and Tired house is never boring or easy for that matter. We often times find ourselves facing new challenges everyday.  Despite all the frustration, struggle and feelings of being completely and utterly overwhelmed,  I want to make it know that I'm so infinitely grateful for what I have. Life may not be easy but it's totally worth the effort. One of the things that raising 3 boys with #Autism has taught me is that I'm never to old to learn.  My kids teach me things all the time and it's me that should be teaching them.  My family may not seem perfect to most people and that's cause it isn't but I wouldn't trade them,  any of them,  for anything in the entire world. I'm so…


#Autism: The little engine that could

One of my fondest memories from my childhood was being read the The Little Engine That Could by my parents. Now that I'm all grown up I'm reminded of that story when I look at my kids. Emmett is perhaps the one that reminds me of this story the most. To me,  not being able to communicate is something that I can't even begin to imagine.  Despite this and many other challenges,  Emmett never quits trying. Sometimes that's not always a good thing but more often than not it's a great thing. Sometimes be more like the Energizer Bunny because he just never shuts down. Today however,  was very different.  Well actually, this afternoon was different.  Emmett was all over the place today while Lizze was at PT. After PT, …