Say Hello to Infectious Disease

I shared with you last night,  that Emmett is in the throws of his 3rd fever and mouth sore cycle in the last 4 weeks.  This have never happened to us before and we have been told to seek out help from an infectious disease specialist.  I spoke with them this afternoon,  and guess where we will be tomorrow now..  That's right,  Akron Children's Hospital,  once again. Since he's in the middle of an outbreak or flare up, they want to see him right away. So in some weird way,  I guess this flare up is a good thing.  I know Emmett's in a great deal of pain but at least the doctors will be actually be able to see the sores first hand. Hopefully,  that will lead to answers. …

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#Autism, Seizures and EEG’S: Easy Button Needed

Gavin had his appointment with the neurologist this morning.  I suppose,  the silver lining is that Gavin’s in good spirits.  That's where the good news ends and the scary crap begins. The neurologist is think that Gavin may have Marfan Syndrome. That doesn't have anything to do with anything we were there but it's something we have had in the back of our minds. Marfan syndrome is a genetic,  connective tissue disorder. This is something we have been concerned about for a long time. Gavin’s biological fathers side of the family has a history a aortic tears at a very young age. This is why we have been back and forth to the cardiologist. Gavin has been having chest pain for years but that seems to possible be reflux and…


Yeah, it’s that kind of day

First of all, let me say that I know it could be much worse.  However,  as this day just keeps going on and on,  I able to cope with less and less.  A little while ago,  Emmett,  who was supposed to be going potty,  decided that a change of plans was needed.  Emmett found a can of Lizze's shaving cream,  some hand sanitizer and tooth paste.  He took all those ingredients and mixed them and subsequently applied the plaster like paste into his hair.  This is the part that I know could have been worse and thankfully we don't have to deal with other, far less pleasant things being put into my child's hair.  My heart goes out to all of you that are struggling with that. :-( I think…


Things I never thought I’d say: 04/25/2012

I'm really starting to hate today.  I have a post I'm working on that will explain that.  However,  Emmett is really struggling right now. I just caught myself saying to Emmett,  "Emmett,  we don't stab your brother in the head with a fork." Really?  That's how my day is going.  **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)

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#Autism question of the day: 04/25/2012

I really like this question because I think it's a really cool thing to think about.  When I thought about my own answers, it put a smile on my face.  Hopefully,  you will have the same experience.  What puts a smile on your child's face? **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)


#Autism and Seizures: 04/25/2012

We will once again be returning to the neurologist at Akron Children's Hospital,  this time for Gavin. You may recall that Gavin has been having absent seizures.  They are triggered by sleep, hyperventilation and lights. I don't know how we can avoid those things.  Anyway,  we are going to discuss how his current meds,  at their current dose,  aren't working. They other thing on the agenda is an extended VEEG. The neurologist has said that Gavin needs to have at least a 48 hour VEEG. Basically,  Gavin would move into the hospital for 2 days and be hooked up to the leads and monitored for seizure activity.  We are suspecting they also happen in his sleep because he's been wetting the bed and that is not normal for him. Of…


#Autism: What I’ve learned

I've been a special needs parent for almost a decade now. The one thing that has become very apparently to me is the following.  #Autism has a great deal to teach me and I have a great deal left to learn. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)


#Autism: The opposite effect

You would think that Emmett being in as much pain as he's in,  would slow him down.  No way,  not Emmett.  He's bouncing off the walls.  He's causing trouble with his brother Elliott and getting way to aggressive with Bella. I realize people handle things different and perhaps all the pain has him overstimulated and this is the result of that. All I know is he's driving me bonkers. On the positive side,  the Benadryl will slow him down.  That's a positive thing I suppose.  The only treatment we have is going to make him sleepy.  I'm not ok with him going through this but I'm okay with him being sleepy.  Sigh... **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism…