Returning to “normal”

It didn't take long for things to get back to normal.  Elliott and Emmett are at each others throats.  The screaming and whining is killing me. I got the puke cleaned out of the van and Gavin’s IEP signed.  I managed to cut our grass and even weed eat as well.  I even did my neighbors yard as well.  The kids are fed and Emmett is getting brushed,  to help calm him down. Elliott is hanging out with Gavin and I'm trying to eat something myself. This may be it for the day as I'm completely drained and I have another crazy busy day tomorrow.  Please accept my most humble thank you for all the love and support you have shown my family.  We are so grateful to know each…


I f*ucking hate today

I'm going to be brief because I have a chance to nap before finishing up my day. Gavin was extremely rude and disrespectful while at the hospital.  Lizze is pretty upset and rightfully so. We decided that we would deal with it as a team after he left the hospital today. However,  the moment he walked out the door,  he began complaining of a tummy ache.  He was extremely dramatic all morning and so this fits right in with the rest of his behavior choices recently. However,  Lizze took him back into the hospital and brought him to the bathroom,  just in case. He ended up not having to pull after all. We got about halfway home and he starts with the dramatics again. Just in case I pull off…


#Autism and Epilepsy: The shock

Gavin has officially been diagnosed with Epilepsy.  I'm in complete shock right now. I suppose that goes to show just how little I know about it. I'm waiting for Lizze and Gavin to walk out of the revolving door. I'll soon find out how much our lives are about to change.   :-( **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)

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4th fever cycle in 6 weeks

My sweet little Emmett John has hit yet another fever cycle.  The fever isn't very high at all but you can see that he's not feeling good. To make matters a bit worse,  he has got sores once his tongue again. If your keeping track,  this is the fourth cycle in 5 or 6 weeks. This is unprecedented for Emmett and really rough on him. Hopefully the geneticist will have answers for us so we know what is going on that causes this and also what we can do about it. My heart breaks for my Emmett John.  :-( **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store Posted from WordPress for Android so…


The agenda: 05/02/2012

Emmett has already been up for almost 4 hours now.  He woke up about 4 am and wouldn't go back to sleep. I'm sooooooooooo tired right now.  We have to leave in a little while to go pick up Gavin and Lizze We should be getting home around nap time and hopefully I'll get to partake in a brief siesta before having to go get Elliott from school. Unfortunately,  I would be better off using that time to catch up on everything that I've failed to do so far this week because Lizze was gone. I have a few phone calls to make,  a yard that desperately needs mowed,  a writing deadline to meet, a sink full of dishes and a house in dishevel.  I'm so far behind on just…


I have a confession to make: 05/02/2012

A few weeks ago,  the Easter Bunny brought the kids these plastic hollow animals,  filled with these tiny little candy balls.  When you push down on the head,  the animal poops out the candy into an Easter basket. I'm not sure what the Easter Bunny was thinking but I would guess it had something to be really tired and stressed out.  Perhaps a little Lost and Tired.  ;-) I hate these stupid things. The head of the animals makes this constant noise.  In the case of the cow featured in this post,  it would moo constantly.  They are touch sensitive and so the damn thing would go off every time the boys would run around the house. I couldn't take it anymore.  I snapped. That goddamn cow would not stop…


The Squishy Couch

I've received a few questions today about the legendary squishy couch I refer to from time to time.  I thought I would explain. For those of you out there wondering what I'm referring to when I say squishy couch,  this one's for you. The Squishy couch was born out of necessity.  Originally,  when Elliott was having a really hard time sleeping and we ended up down stairs in the middle of the night,  I needed a way to make him feel safe.  He would wake up with the sensation that he was falling and be terrified. So one night I decided to try pushing the couches together.  I explained to him that there was no way he could fall now.. It worked,  thus the squishy couch was born. Now it's…


The last one standing

Tonight Emmett had Dr.  Patti.  It's the last remaining therapy he has left. He spent most of the time playing with the all knowing and always awesome Dr.  Patti. He loves the play kitchen and spent the entire time cooking dinner for Dr. Patti and rearranging the kitchen to his liking. It was really nice to see him just be a kid for a little while. :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to eye. :-)