Does this make me a bad person?

In the Lost and Tired family, we don't believe in spanking or hitting.  So we have to do a lot of outside of the box thinking. We recently took in a puppy a couple of months ago. Bella has been a great edition to the Lost and Tired family. Although she doesn't require some patience and training. Elliott and Emmett are requiring a great deal of time, energy and most of all, patience.  I'm becoming increasingly overwhelmed and frustrated by their behavior. Their are both fanfreakingtastic kids and I love them completely. Having said that, sometimes I find myself wanting to use the training methods from Bella as a means of deterring the problem behavior with the boys. Basically,  it would go something like this.  When Emmett and Elliott were…


No, no, no… It’s way too early

It's like 3am and Elliott is awake and ready to start his day. This is not going to work.  Daddy is way to tired for this today. He and I have moved to the living room so that Emmett will go back to bed. Not the best way to begin the new day. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store


Gavin’s Health Crisis: Home..for now

I apologize for the delay in updating on Gavin's condition. Things have been crazy today. He has been released and just arrived home. I'll update on the details tomorrow because I'm just to tired. Basically, this may be the new normal for Gavin. I think we have turned another corner in his continuous decline. He's on a water pill to increase his blood pressure. They released him because he's on the new meds and he's keeping his fluids down. We have a great deal of work and stress ahead of us. Depending on how Gavin does, our entire lives may change. Thank you for all the love and support. I promise to get you all caught up in the morning. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please…


Daddy’s sanity is going going gone

I have only been up about an hour and already things are getting out of control.  Emmett has done nothing but scream. Elliott is wound pretty tight this morning as well. The combination of Elliott and Emmett is akin to gasoline and a lit match. They don't play well together. I'm gonna get Elliott to school and then figure out how to get up to see Gavin. I'm extremely anxious right now because Lizze's phone stopped working yesterday and the hospital phone doesn't allow long distance. All I can do is call the room but they are hopefully sleeping and I don't want to be the one to wake them up. This is so incredibly frustrating and the feeling of helplessness is overwhelming. Thank you all for your continued support. …


Gavin’s Health Crisis: Final update for 05/03/2012

I spoke with Lizze about an hour ago and Gavin was having a lot of chest pain. Whether is reflux or actually cardiac remains to be seen. He's on meds for that so it's likely not reflux. He is not able to walk because as soon as he stands up his heart rate shoots up and his blood pressure crashes. At this point,  they can't find anything wrong. He's not sick and it's not medication related. He is pumped full of fluids to the point that his pee comes out as clear as it went in. It would appear as though they have addressed the dehydration and yet it's not changing anything. They are bringing his neurologist in sometime tomorrow. I don't know of he will be released tomorrow but…


Gavin’s Health Crisis: update 5:16pm

I just spoke to Lizze and she says that he may not be released tomorrow.  Apparently,  is isn't even able to sit up. They have added a potassium drip as well as more fluids but nothing is working. They told Lizze that they have no idea what's causing this.  They know he's not sick because all his blood work has come back clean. I hate being trapped at home right now.  I know Lizze is doing a great job but I want to be there as well.  **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto-correct and I don't see eye to…


Please pray for the Lost and Tired family

I only have a minute.  Gavin has been admitted to Akron Children's Hospital.  I left to get some things from home.  I didn't make it home because the transmission went out on our brand new van. We are just outside of warranty. I don't know what is going to happen now but I know that we won't have a car for the foreseeable future.  I also don't know what this is going to cost.... All I know is that we just keep getting kicked while we're down.  With all the history we had with the previous van before it was stolen I'm ready to give up. We just can't win for trying. I had to tell Lizze that I wouldn't be able to get back up to them today and…