The Lighter Side of #Autism: 05/07/2012

This is my favorite moment from the past few days. I truly appreciate the times where Emmett is at peace. Not only is the house peaceful and quiet but Emmett just seems happy and that makes my heart fill good. I love how Emmett loves his tablet and snuggles it as he falls asleep.  :-) Like father like son.  **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store


Gunshots and Burglaries

Apparently, our neighbors house was broken into last night. That's really nice and makes me feel really safe. My parents just stopped by to bring Gavin and Elliott home after hanging out with them for the day. As we were standing on the front porch talking for a few minutes,  there was 3 gunshots. This neighborhood has gone to hell in a hand basket. It's so hard to get my family out of here for several reasons. For one thing, we're stretched very thin financially.  The other issue is Gavin's health.  We are just learning about where his health is going and I have no idea how we are going to weather this storm as it is. The other issue revolves around actually finding a home. Trying to find a…


Meet Mr. I’m Not Tired

I would like to introduce you to Mr.  I'm Not Tired.  **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store


#Autism question of the day: 05/06/2012

We all know that #Autism can be very challenging. However,  raising a child with #Autism can be rewarding as well.  I'm trying to not lose sight of the positives, despite those positives being outnumbered. With that in mind,  I want to ask this question.  Despite all the challenges of raising a child with #Autism,  what is your fondest memory? First me,  my fondest memory was hearing my son Emmett, speak for the first time.  His first word was doggy and I accidentally caught this moment on video. :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store


The rental car: 05/06/2012

We finally got our rental car, or rather.....van.  At least they gave us a van this time.  It's a Grand Caravan. It's actually really nice but I'll be happier when we get our van back next week. I'm grateful that Downtown Ford stepped up and loaned us a van.  Thank you Downtown Ford. :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store


What’s the last thing you say to your kids at night?

I have this thing about having to tell my kids every night how much I love them.  Even when they're sleeping,  I tell them how proud I am to be their Dad. When I first put them down at night,  even if it was a bad day, I telling them at least one thing they did today that made me proud. I feel it's very important to focus on the positive behavior as well as the behavior that needs to be adjusted. Despite how completely crazy our lives are,  I find that it's pretty easy to find things,  even small ones,  that I'm proud of them for. If all else fails,  I tell them that I'm proud of how they never give up. When it comes to Emmett,  him and…


Elliott’s Lego Creation: 05/06/2012

This is Elliott's latest Lego creation.  It's an airplane and he created it for Lizze and I to share.  He's just to sweet. You may notice that Elliott's creations aren't always as elaborate as Gavin's.  That's because Gavin tends to hoard all the Lego's for himself.  Elliott makes do with the leftovers. In a way,  the fact that he makes these creations from the leftover Lego's makes this even more impressive. Great job my sweet Elliott Richard.  Thank you for sharing your brilliance with all of us.  :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store


#Autism: Fallout and Overstimulation

This past week has been the busiest we've seen in quite some time.  Gavin's health is really starting to overshadow much of our lives. Ironically,  Gavin's doing really well and now Elliott,  Emmett and Lizze are the ones struggling. Elliott and Emmett have had their precious and desperately needed routines completely disrupted this past week. This disruption has lead to turmoil within the Lost and Tired household. Elliott spent a large portion of the week at his Grandparents house. Emmett spent most of the week,  one on one with me. Lizze spent most of the week with Gavin in the hospital.  Bringing Elliott and Emmett back together after a few days apart is like taking a shower in gasoline and then lighting a road flare. It's best described as extremely…