One with the pukies

Poor Elliott doesn't feel well. He's snuggled up to me and the puke pan. He's shaking like a leaf..  Poor guy..  :-( **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store


Finger painting with toothpaste

Emmett has become fascinated with toothpaste.  It appears as though he's finger painting with it.  This morning,  we forgot to put the kids toothpaste up and out of the way. Emmett came downstairs with toothpaste smeared all over his handsome little face. Upon later examining the bathroom,  I found toothpaste smeared on the wall.  Clearly,  we are going to have to pay closer attention to Emmett during the day and not forget to put all that stuff away. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store


A unique approach to sensory issues

Anyone that has followed our story knows that Emmett struggles with many sensory related issues. One of the biggest issues we face is getting Emmett to wear socks and shoes.  He doesn't always tolerate the feeling of socks and shoes on his feet. He's been doing much better lately but we still have to constantly adjust his socks because they are hurting him. So we decided to try something a bit different.  Now,  I will say that I can see many Dad's not really liking this idea and honestly,  I can understand. Basically,  one day,  Emmett stumbled upon Lizze painting her toe nails and became fascinated with the idea of seeing paint on his little piggy toes. In the interest of full disclosure,  I wasn't thrilled with the idea of…


Today’s Victory: 05/07/2012

Monday has been full of chaos and less than good news.  However,  despite all the bad news about Gavin's health,  all the screaming and fighting, we had a really cool moment. Emmett had hit Elliott on the hand with an drawer,  of all things.  I provided comfort to Elliott and Lizze took on the challenge of talking to Emmett.  Eventually,  Emmett came down and out his head in Elliott's lap.  That's his way of saying I'm sorry sometimes. Elliott forgave home and everyone was moving on when Emmett pulled everyone into a giant hug. So Today's Victory goes out to both Emmett and Elliott.  Emmett for apologizing and Elliott for forgiveness.  :-) Great job boys. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum…

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When your child can’t return to school

I met with the school today and discussed the sending of a tutor to teach Gavin outside of school. I wasn't sure what to expect but the process was quick and painless. They are working on the details but will get back to us ASAP.  They like to meet at the library because it allows the home to remain a sanctuary. Gavin would receive about 25 hours of instruction over the remaining weeks of the school year. Homework and other assignments would need done at home and returned to school via the Elliott Richard currier service. :-) I have to really give Summit Academy credit for making this a smooth process. If anyone in Ohio is looking for more information about Summit Academy School,  they have locations throughout Ohio and…


Checkin’ into the Looney Bin

OMG,  Emmett is really and I mean really in rare form today. It seems like his new language is screaming and his new favorite activity is throwing a fit. I can't tell you how many meltdowns we've already had this morning because I've lost count. He has become uber aggressive and defiant. This is a pretty big shift from where he was. It's making things very difficult to manage.  I can't work as much as I need to because I have to keep putting out the fires.  Lizze does her best and definitely more than she should but there is simply to much slack that needs picked up to ever make any progress on any one thing. My new writing job starts very soon and I'll have weekly deadlines to…


Autonomic Disorder: Problems Arise Again (05/07/2012)

It's a bad news Monday.  I hate Mondays to begin with but this one in particular is on my sh!t list.  Lizze just returned from the pediatricians office and is the barer of bad news.  For starters,  Gavin is beginning to crash again.  He spent the better part of the  appointment sleeping. We have been told that Gavin cannot return to school,  at least for what's remaining of this current school year. Personally,  I don't care about school at this point.  In my opinion,  we need to get his health stabilized,  if at all possible. However,  we will likely have to consider homeschooling him for next year though. Right now,  I just want to focus on addressing the immediate crisis.  We are going to have to figure something out because…

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The #Autism Discussion: 05/07/2012

As we become a more automated world,  many things are changing. Technology is growing faster than most people can keep up with it. For today's discussion,  I thought it would be interesting to compare how we all leverage technology to help our kids with #Autism to better learn or simply communicate with their world. Please reply in the comments.... **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store

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