#Autism: The heart of gold

I was driving Elliott to school this morning and he seemed troubled.  I asked him what was wrong.  He said that he was worried about one of his friends at school. According to Elliott,  one of his friends needs money or a member of their family was going to die. When I pressed Elliott for more information,  here didn't really have any.  Hey didn't know if the family member was a person or a pet.  Hey also said that her thinks they either need surgery or food. If they didn't get it,  they were going to die. Elliott wanted to know if he could bring his money to school tomorrow and give it to his friend.  I was so proud of his compassion that I was just marveling at the…


Overdue Lizze Update: 05/09/2012

I haven't updated everyone as to how Lizze is doing,  well... in a really long time. This is mostly due to the fact that the kids have so much going on that it's really hard to keep up. If I had to sum up how Lizze was doing in only a few words,  it would be.... not good. To say that she is in a great deal of pain would be the understatement of the century. Her tremors are really bad and require Ativan to get them under control.  As you can imagine,  that presents other problems,  due to the nature of Ativan. Lizze has developed at least half a dozen knots or pinched nerves in her back,  neck and shoulder. They been there for months and will likely require…


Autonomic Disorder: Update 05/09/2012

I wanted to update everyone as to Gavin's current status. Since coming home on Friday night, he has been pretty stable. He's sleeping a whole lot right now but hasn't passed out at all or been anything more than nauseous. The Cleveland Clinic is reworking the schedule in so that Gavin can be seen,  ASAP. The biggest change right now is that Gavin cannot return to school for at least the remainder of this school year. He will be meeting at the library with a teacher and few hours a week and than working from home.  There is no way,  given the nature of this disorder that his body would tolerate the schedule within the class room. Hopefully,  he will be able to return this fall but there is simply…


Screaming outside

I don't even know what time it is but someone is outside screaming.  It's got Maggie all freaking out and she's gonna wake up the boys. I don't know what the hell is going on out there but I don't want to take any chances so I'm staying inside. Once upon a time,  I would have taken Maggie outside to see what all the noise was about but since the stabbing and drive by shooting I don't do that anymore. It's really sad that fear has to dictate my course of actions,  but it is what it is. As soon as Maggie chills out,  I'm going to try to go back to bed..... **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for…


Today’s Victory: 05/08/2012

Today's Victory is brought to you by all 3 of my boys. While they spent all friggin afternoon fighting and screaming,  they got along really well while at Dr.  Patti's office tonight. I'll take even the 1 hour of relative peace and quiet.... **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store


From my perspective: 05/08/2012

This is just another moment from my perspective..... :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store

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What is #Autism: Running For Autism

Running For Autism Meet Kristen and check out her awesome blog, it's at http://runningforautism.com. Follow her on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Running-for-Autism/202132916468255 and find her on Twitter, her handle is @running4autism.   When we first got hit with my firstborn son George’s autism diagnosis, people kept telling us it was a good thing. Now that we knew what was wrong, they said, we could find out more about it and get the right services in place. We could get George on the waiting list for this service or that funding. We had a word, a specific condition, to Google. These well-meaning folks, most of whom did not have any first-hand knowledge of special needs parenting, made it sound so easy. All of the answers and help we needed, just a phone call…


Why can’t people respect other people’s property?

Lizze got up this morning to take the boys to school.  Well actually,  she only took Elliott to school.  Anyway,  when she walked around the driver side of the van on loan from the dealership,  she noticed something was wrong. Someone had been messing around with the has tank. The fuel door was open and and the gas cap was removed. When I parked the van last night,  we had about 1/8 of a tank of gas.  This morning,  we had 1/4 of a tank.  Assuming that the fuel fairy isn't involved in this event,  why do we have more fuel now than we did last night? I'm really,  really hoping that the fuel tank hasn't been spiked with anything. Why can't people just respect other people's property? **Thanks for…