Today’s Victory: 05/11/2012

Today's Victory is brought to you by Mr.  Emmett John. As many of already know,  Emmett is an extremely eater. We really have a hard time feeding him. There are a great many textures that get in the way of him eating more fruits and vegetables. Today however,  he requested a banana. I gave him one and he actually ate.  He ate a friggin banana.  This is amazing because he never eats things like this. Way to go Emmett,  we have plenty of bananas,  eat all you want my little monkey.  :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store

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Today’s #Autism Discussion: Sexually Inappropriate Behavior

Let me start this one off by saying that I fully realize this is a sensitive subject.  While it may be difficult to talk about,  it's a very important topic.  As our kids get older,  they will become more aware of these things.  I'm not saying that they will understand,  but they will likely become more aware. How do you help guide them through this difficult time?  How do you address sexually inappropriate behavior,  if and when it presents itself? Is this time more difficult for boys or girls? **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store


Our van comes home today

I'm pretty excited because I just got the call that our van is ready to go. New torque converter,  new remote start and a bit of body work. While the van they loaned us was nice,  it wasn't ours and when you do have a lot of material things,  it really nice to drive your own car.  As much as I hate making a car payment,  it's a really nice van and we were very lucky to get financed.  The stars aligned that day and while we are paying for it, I'm really grateful that it worked out as well as it did.  Thank you Downtown Ford for getting us back on the road,  just in time for our return to the Cleveland Clinic next week. **Thanks for reading**  …


#Autism: Sexually Inappropriate Behavior

We had an incident that occurred yesterday between Emmett and Gavin that not only has us concerned but also creeped out. This is actually a bit uncomfortable to talk about but in the interest of honesty and me not losing my mind, I'm going to just put this out there.  First of all,  I wasn't present at the time.  I was picking up Elliott from school,  so Lizze was the lucky one stuck dealing with this until I got home. Basically,  Emmett had run over to Gavin and put is face in Gavin's crotch. Gavin apparently enjoyed the interaction because he encouraged Emmett to continue the game. Emmett got a kick out of Gavin's reaction and so he continued. It turned into Emmett kissing Gavin's crotch. When Lizze walked out…


Confessions of a special needs Dad (Honesty Post)

This is a pretty heavy post.  I'm really in a bad place at the moment and I need to vent.  Please be advised that this post is meant as a purge valve of sorts for me and nothing else. Lizze is basically incapacitated.  It's not her fault but it's really making things challenging. Emmett is completely out of control and nothing seems to be helping him to relax. Gavin, well,  I'm not even going to touch on that right now.  I have whole other posts underway on that topic. I'm a patient guy but even I have my limits.  I'm so tired of the chaos and the screaming. I'm tired of all the drama that surrounds everything in our house. I'm even more tired of all the bullshit that goes…


We should get our van back today

I spoke with Downtown Ford again yesterday.  They were installing the remote start and fixing the door panels. We should be getting our van back sometime this afternoon. Hopefully,  this will address all the issues we have been having. I don't like the idea of making payments on a van that isn't working. I don't like the idea of making payments,  period. I'll let you all know how it goes when I get the word to come pick it up. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store


#Autism: Saying goodbye to a family pet

We made the decision to find Toothless,  Emmett's and Elliott's bearded dragon,  a new home. While this decision was a difficult one,  it was the right thing to do. Toothless wasn't getting the attention he deserved or needed for that matter.  We will remember him fondly and wish him the very best. He went to a really cool,  private pet store.  They have all kinds or really cool animals and will live in the store with several other bearded dragons.  I gave them everything we had for him so he still has his tank and everything else he was used to. The boys have mixed feelings about it.  Elliott has spent the last day,  trying not to cry,  as he put it. I explained that sometimes when we love someone…

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A Special Needs Review of the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus

The Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus   [youtube][/youtube]   Samsung, is the first of hopefully many tech companies, to step up to the plate and allow me to review their products from the unique perspective of a special needs parent, who just happens to be a hardcore techy. Not only do I understand the tech but also how it can be incorporated into the lives of the special needs family to assist a child with Autism in learning, communication and even social skills.  The piece of tech I'll be reviewing today is the Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus, by Samsung. This is a 7" tablet powered by android OS version 3.2 Honeycomb. For those of you with hardcore techy blood pumping through your veins, I have all the specs at the bottom of…