Confessions of a special needs father

Every once in awhile I like to do a confessions post.  This is where I kick the honesty up a notch and purge some of the things that have been weighing heavy on my heart. Life has been more challenging than usual lately. Gavin's having major health issues as well as behavioral problems. The health issues are exhausting and difficult to know what to do with. The behavioral problems are honestly weighing very heavy on me because of the nature of the behaviors. Gavin is very hypersexualand so we are having problems with inappropriate touching. We have to keep Gavin under constant supervision, especially when he's around his brothers. This is no easy task. It means that we have to have the boys downstairs if they want go play together.…


Sleeping Sicki

Emmett finally fell asleep after hours of trying. However,  he just woke up again.  He only had like 3 hours of sleep and I had even less. Thank God there is nothing on the schedule today. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto correct and I don't get along very well sometimes.


When your little one can’t sleep

I have honestly lost track of the time.  It's either really late or really early.  :-) Emmett,  my littlest minion,  is not feeling well and has a runny nose. I know it may not seem like a big deal but for a child with #Autism and various sensory issues,  it really is a big deal. Emmett struggles with the sensation for his nose running.  He basically panics and doesn't know what to do. It's heartbreaking really.  We are out of benedryl,  so it's going to be a long night. I sent Lizze to bed awhile ago because she hasn't been sleeping much lately,  which is ironic for someone with hypersomnia and chronic fatigue. Emmett and I have decided to squishy couch.  Basically,  we push the two couches together and make…


The runny nose = sensory nightmare

Emmett is actually sick. He's in the middle of a fever flare but he's actually sick at the same time. I don't know if that has ever happened before. I thinks it's just a head cold but still. He's already dealing with enough, now his nose is runny and he's sneezing snot everywhere. I don't know about your kids but Emmett almost panics when his nose is runny. He hates that feeling. Maybe it's a sensory thing, I don't know. Do you experience a similar reaction when your kid has a runny nose? Does it seem like a sensory thing to you as well? **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store Posted…


Elliott’s creative clock

Alright, on to happier things. Elliott set his mind to making a clock today. He is learning about time in school right now and so he's fascinated with clocks. I actually hung a clock in his room tonight as I was putting him to bed for the night. I was really impressed with what he came up with and the fact that it actually moved. I was going to do the usual picture thing but I thought you really needed to see the hand move and Elliott wanted a movie. So there you have it, check out Elliott's latest and greatest Lego creation. :-) [youtube][/youtube]


When someone tells your child “it’s a secret”

So I just learned something a few minutes ago that quite honestly has me so pissed off that I'm shaking. As I'm writing this, Gavin is having a huge meltdown. As I have explained before, the Lost and Tired family has been forced to adopt a zero tolerance policy for touching. This policy applies to Gavin because he has a long history of inappropriate touching. Now before I get any more emails telling me that there's no such thing as inappropriate touching because some cultures endorse it, save it. I don't want to hear and nothing you can say will convince me otherwise.  And yes, I have actually heard from people telling that. When I talk about inappropriate touching, I'm referring to Gavin touching people in areas of their body that…


#Autism: Hammers and Nails

As a rule , I always try to include my kids in activities around the house. I think that by doing so, not only to I get to spend quality time, but also help to teach them valuable skills that they can actually use in life. Sometimes these activities revolve around grocery shopping, putting air in the tired, caring for the dogs, fixing the computer, other household chores or repairs. My kids respond really well to this type of approach. I think that many kids on the #Autism spectrum do well with hands on types of approaches. At least my kids do. Today, we had to repair a crate used to store books. One of the slats had come loose and needed to be tacked back into place. I had…


The week ahead

This coming week we have some more appointments at Akron Children's Hospital. Emmett returns to the infectious disease doctor and Elliott returns to the immunologist. I also need to follow up with Emmett's OT, PT and speech therapists. It‘s been a few months since Emmett has actually had therapy. Insurance has been very slow with the paperwork and Emmett desperately needs therapy. I think that has been a contributing factor to his increased aggression. You wouldn't believe the positive impact these therapies have on a child with #Autism and severe sensory issues. Well, actually you probably can. ;-) I don't know what the rest of the week has in store because I'm simply afraid to look at the calendar. ;-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please…