Now we have tremors

I noticed yesterday that Gavin is experiencing some pretty severe tremors. He physically can't stop his hands from shaking. I don't know if this is something that we should be concerned with.  I mean,  it makes me really nervous but at the same time,  I don't know if it's new or has been going on for awhile. We're going to have to let the neurologist know and see what he wants to do. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto correct and I don't get along very well sometimes.


Final Thoughts: 05/29/2012

While today has been trying,  it's over now and we have all survived together. The appointment with Dr.  Pattie went well and Gavin participated to the best of his ability. I don't know how much Gavin actually retained but the effort was made and that counts for something. Also,  Gavin's hand,  while bruised and sore,  seems to be okay. Elliott and Emmett got to spend some time with Lizze's parents while we met with Dr.  Pattie tonight. They had a lot of fun and that was awesome. The kids went down pretty easy tonight and Lizze and I are watching the movie Insidious. Not very relaxing but fun nonetheless. As we approach the middle of the week,  I'm hoping to be able to finish the week on a high note…


Today’s Victory: Two Players

Today's Victory goes out to Emmett and Elliott.  It's a rare occasion to see the two of them playing so nicely together. This afternoon, they were both sitting on the couch, playing Sonic Generations on Elliott's 3DS. They were actually taking turns playing for almost 30 minutes before things went downhill.  Great job boys,  Daddy is soooooo proud of you.  :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive any typos as auto correct and I don't get along very well sometimes.


#Autism: Let your kids know you’re proud

Something I always make sure I do,  at least once a day,  is tell each of my boys how proud I am of them. When it comes to the days that we struggle,  I really try to focus on this. I want them to know that no matter their choices,  I'm always proud of them. This is especially important for Gavin because he is always in trouble and in need of correction or guidance. I never want him to think that I'm not proud of him. No matter how bad of a day it was,  or how destructive the meltdowns were,  I look for something to be proud of.  Maybe the meltdown was significantly shorter than  yesterday's.  Perhaps he didn't hurt himself during this one. There's always something that can…


#Autism: Self-Injury or Accident

I called Gavin down for lunch and he was  not using his right hand. I asked him what was wrong and he showed me this. He says he was swinging his arms around and hit the corner of his dresser.  That much I believe.  However,  the why is what's in question. He had a huge meltdown this morning and I never looked at his hand after the meltdown. He says it had nothing to do with the meltdown and happened much later. It looks like his hand was slammed in a car door,  doesn't it.  However,  the bruises actually line up with his dresser and I know it wasn't slammed in the car door. I don't know why he would do this to himself.  Sensory,  anger or maybe it was…


Hands on with the NYKNYC Weighted Vest

As many of you already know, I'm a father to 3 boys on the #Autism spectrum. Each one of my boys have various degrees of sensory processing disorder as well. When I was contacted by a company called NYKNYC and asked to test out and review their weighted vests for children with #Autism, I was pretty excited. Below is my, rather my children's experience with the weighted vest and the weighted lap dog.   How or why does a Weighted Vest work?   Before I actually get into my thoughts and opinions on the NYCNYK weighted vest, I thought it would be a good idea to explain the how's and why's behind the benefits of a child wearing a weighted vest. Weighted vests work much the same way as a weighted…


10 Things You Don’t Know About Me

I thought it would be a growing experience for me to share with you 10 things about myself that I don't share with many people. Some of these things are very personal  and I never talk about.  I'm trying to grow as a person and so I think that by sharing these things,  maybe I can do just that. This list is in no particular order of importance or significance to me. 10 Thing's You Don't Known About Me 1) I'm terrified of the dentist and haven't seen one in over 10 years.  I take good care of my teeth but I get sick just thinking about going to the dentist. 2) I'm ashamed that when Gavin has behavioral issues,  I sometimes view him differently than I do my biological…


Meltdown Central

Sometimes I feel like I live in a perpetual meltdown.  By the time I recover from one,  I'm knee deep in another one. It's exhausting to say the very least. Gavin had a very violent meltdown this morning. He was trying to play Lizze and I off each other and I caught him. The very simple act of accountability is what sets him off.  It doesn't matter what the consequences are,  he was caught and doesn't like it.  The meltdown is his way of expressing that dislike. It's not sensory related at all.  He's fine until he learns there is a consequence for his actions. Personally,  I'm growing tired of living in Meltdown Central,  it's the smallest/loudest city in the world.  Thank God we see Dr.  Pattie in about 8…