What’s wrong with this picture?
Curious. Can anyone point out something about this sign that bugs them?
Curious. Can anyone point out something about this sign that bugs them?
Something that I have learned while on my journey as a special needs parent, is that parenting is not an exact science. In fact, in my personal experience, parenting in general consists of a whole lot of trial and error. The very nature of trial and error means that mistake are bound to happen. However, through those mistakes, we learn to become better parents. This is an absolute truth with the Lost and Tired family. I make mistakes all the time, I mean it's not like there is an instruction manual that tells me what to do. Parenting in and of itself is difficult but special needs parenting...that's in a class all to itself. Sometimes the only thing you can do is guess at what the right thing to do…
Gavin has made it through a third day without a single meltdown. So far, this new approach is working. I have to give Gavin a lot of credit because he's making better choices and that's all on him. :-) So, keep up the great work. This has the potential to be a good summer. This was taken at therapy on Monday. Everyone was getting along and having fun.
Today was therapy with Dr. Pattie. The appointment was moved to Monday because of a conflict Tuesday night. Anyway, Emmett decided to extra cute tonight and I wanted to share this with you all.
I was talking with my mother this afternoon and she mentioned an interesting conversation she had with Gavin yesterday. Gavin is prone to just sorta say whatever he's thinking and out of nowhere he'll involve someone in a conversation he's been having in his head. Most people find themselves quite confused because Gavin assumes that they have been listening to his internal thoughts and so speaks with them as though they should know what he's talking about. The reality is that they have no clue as to what he's talking about. Anyway, Gavin kinda did this to my parents yesterday. Out of nowhere he started talking about his meltdowns. He told them that he hasn't been having them and went on to explain why. He told mom that he's not…
The Lost and Tired family has been struggling with extremely violent meltdowns from one Gavin Alexander. We have been trying different things with little benefit. These meltdowns are a manipulative tool that Gavin uses only when he's being held accountable for a choice he's made. These meltdowns hold the entire family hostage and need to stop. Out of desperation I have made the consequences of this behavior more severe. We don't hit and we don't spank. We believe in a nonviolent approach to discipline. That said, there are ways of making the consequences more painful without causing physical harm. In Gavin’s case, I told him that with every meltdown he has, I will remove something from his room, beginning with his Teddy Bear and favorite blanket. Since the implementation of…
Something that we are trying to reclaim in the Lost and Tired household, is a sense of normalcy. While our lives will never be normal, we can still work toward a more stable home life. Normal is back very subjective term but to me, I feel like it should it means that my family is living a safe, happy and comfortable life. We are making a significant effort to do more things that would be deemed family oriented. Things like story time and trips to the library. Perhaps even taking the kids fishing or to the zoo could be a good experience. For right now, I want to focus on little things that are actually attainable. So, story time is where we are starting. **Thanks for reading** …
Lizze and I had a brief reprieve from the boys this afternoon. While it wasn't very long, Lizze and I got out to the park so she could take pictures. She actually did pretty well and the short walk was nice for her. I think the fact that she was taking pictures helped to distract her from the pain. She loves taking pictures and is entering some contests. I would love to get her a DSLR Camera. They are a pretty big investment but if she really enjoys this and it gets her up and moving than I think it's worth it. Perhaps I can pull off a miracle for her birthday, our anniversary or even with tax return next year. As I'm writing this, 2 of the 3 boys…