Doing something for myself

As a father and husband to both 3 boys and a wife with special needs,  sacrifice has been part of my life for a long time. Sacrifice is something that is not exclusive to me but instead common to most parents.  Having said that,  as special needs parents,  the sacrificing is much more frequent and will happen for a much longer period of time. I think this is all pretty common knowledge. However,  despite all the sacrifices I still have the need to feel like I can still do things for myself. It promotes a sense of normalcy. For many years,  my special things was renewing my XBOX Live account.  It renewed on my birthday so that was my birthday present every year. I sacrificed my XBOX awhile ago in…


Yet another antibody infusion

Gavin has yet another antibody infusion this morning. The reason I say yet another is simply because I lost count of where we are. Anyway,  he goes this morning,  with Lizze to Akron Children’s Hospital. The infusion takes a few hours and than he will be home once again. It think this may be his 14th or 15th monthly infusion. For those new to my blog,  Gavin suffers from primary immunodeficiency.  The antibodies he receives every month via infusion, replace his missing immune system. Gavin's natural antibody levels are less than half of what they should be.  Not only that,  but what he does produce is defective,  meaning they don't work. Every month he receives donor antibodies via IV infusion. He does really well and his body tolerates the foreign…


Friday Forums: Financing #Autism

Hello everyone. I thought this would be a good topic for today's Friday Forums. For many families out there touched by special needs children, life is challenging. However, how do you balance financial security and raising a special needs family? I was thinking we could share some tips and tricks when it comes to managing money, planning for the future and covering medical expenses. This is a pretty broad topic so anything goes. Here's an example of what I mean. When you have a limited grocery budget, how do you provide for a child with special and expensive dietary needs? You get the point. Let's help each other learn to better survive.... :) The discussion will take place in #Autism Help Forums. Registration is simple, fast and free. You will…


Today’s Victory: Fun with water

Today's victory is brought to you by Elliott and Emmett once again. We took the boys outside to play in the yard for a little bit.  It's been relatively quiet so we took advantage of the opportunity.  We started out playing baseball and ended up having a water fight.  It started out by giving the dogs some water and turned into Elliott and Emmett soaking each other with the hose. Why is this a Today’s Victory? Simple,  the boys don't usually like getting wet,  especially Emmett. However,  they seemed to do fine with it this evening and had a lot of fun.  Gavin didn't participate because he was going out to eat with Grandpa and couldn't afford to get dirty.  Instead,  he counted the fence posts.  :-) I love my…

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My love/hate relationship with Lego’s

My relationship with Lego's is complicated to say the least. I love the fact that my boys are so creative with them but at the same time,  I hate finding them with the bottom of my foot. No matter how many times I try to get them all picked up,  they always seem to reappear shortly after. Lego's have brought my kids together and also been the root cause of much of the fighting in the Lost and Tired household.  They always fight over individual pieces and it drives me crazy. Part of me wants to just take a break from Lego's all together and see if their relationships improve. Some of the boys tend to hoard the Lego's....cough cough Gavin cough cough. I don't think that he's trying to…


Elliott’s Lego Creation: Hybrid Crab

I wanted to share Elliott's latest Lego creation. It's actually a hybrid of sorts because he used non-Lego parts as well. He took a seashell and used his Lego's to create an ocean crab, as he calls it.  I was really impressed with this because it's extremely creative and he came up with this on his own. Great job Elliott.  :-)


Not a good morning

This is not going to be a good day,  I can feel it. I woke up to an email letting me know that our account is overdrawn. That's not a good thing, as I'm sure you can imagine. That is not a good way to start the day. My back is still really sore but slowly getting better. So I guess that's slightly positive. Emmett is just starting into another fever flare.  The mouth sores are just beginning to appear and he is not in a good frame of mind.  Poor kid is going to be miserable for the next 10 days. Unfortunately,  miserable for Emmett means miserable for everyone. Gavin's not been having good bays and this one doesn't bring with it promises of better behavior. I took the…

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Buried alive

I just woke up and within minutes of sitting down on the couch,  I'm buried alive. Maggie is laying across my legs.  Elliott, Emmett and Bella have climbed onto my chest and made themselves comfortable. It's so nice to be loved.....