Father of the year I am not

It's almost Father's Day and I have run out of patience. Emmett is just beginning a new fever flare,  Elliott is constantly reporting to us and Gavin isn't listening. At times like this I realize that I have very real limitations.  I don't know know why that bothers me so much,  but it does. People seem to think that I'm some great role model and I just don't see it.  I should have more patience with my boys.  They deserve more patience than I have to offer them. Especially when it comes to Gavin.  I have a shorter fuse when it comes to Gavin because it's always something. Maybe he doesn't know what he's doing and maybe he does.  Either way Gavin's behavioral choices are like a black hole in…


How do you explain tattling to a child on the #Autism spectrum?

Everyone since this whole thing with Gavin and boundary issues started a few months ago,  Elliott has become an extreme tattletale.  We had a talk with Elliott many months ago about not keeping secrets from us.  Gavin had once again begun having issues with respecting personal space and inappropriate touching. Elliott was a target for those issues. When we found out,  we met with Dr.  Pattie and had a long talk with Elliott about not keeping secrets and no one being allowed to touch him etc. Since then,  Elliott has become very good at not keeping secrets. In fact,  he has taken to almost constantly reporting everything that happens.  He has become a tattletale. What started out as simply wanting him to tell us if Gavin did something that made…


It’s nice to hear good things about your kids

I was walking with my Dad last night and he was talking about how well Gavin did the other night when they went out to eat. Gavin didn't a really good job and my Dad had a great time with him.  He did point out that Gavin has no restraint when it comes to eating.  That's nice to have him notice that because it gives him a better understanding of why we have to watch him so closely. First hand experience is priceless..... My Dad has some projects planned for this summer.  He wants to involve Gavin and get him some hands on,  real life experience.  I'm so proud of how well Gavin did.  He really is a great kid and I love him very much. **Thanks for reading**  …


When you know it’s going to be one of those days

How do you know when your day is not going to go well? How about when your 6 year old asks you what a period is. It gets even worse when he's not satisfied with it's the dot at the end of a sentence. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive the auto-correct induced typos


In the market for a new happy place

Elliott and Emmett both have been handfuls today.  However,  since Gavin arrived home it's like they're on speed or something.  They just don't stop and I'm going to lose my mind. I have decided that I'm going to find a new happy place. I need a new happy place and I need it now. I'm putting the call out to all of my readers.  If you have an extra happy place could I borrow it please.  It can be slightly used,  I don't mind. Maybe you know someone that's trying to unload their happy place.  I'd be interested in taking it out for a spin and if I like it,  we can work something out. I really appreciate it... **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join…


Another antibody infusion complete

Gavin arrived home a little while ago from his antibody infusion. Lizze said he did very well and was polite to everyone.  Awesome job Gavin. However,  Gavin is experiencing some side effects today.  He's really tired,  which isn't surprising but he also has a headache as well. Gavin procedure was changed a little today by means of increasing the infusion rate.  Hopefully these symptoms will not last and he'll be back on his feet ASAP. At least he's not puking all over the place. Knock on wood... :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive the auto-correct induced typos



My plans of setting up a 501c3 charity has met with delays caused by life and the cards I've been dealt. However,  I'm always getting emails from people that would like to donate their no longer used android based smartphone or tablet for use with my Android4Autism project. Until now,  I have respectfully declined these offers because I cannot offer anything in return,  such as tax breaks etc. Having said that,  I'm also getting lots of emails from families looking to get a device for their child. I have to tell them that I'm currently out of devices.  So I have decided to move forward with Android4Autism based solely on what people are willing to donate. Please be aware that your unused/no longer used smartphone or tablet donation is welcomed.…


#Autism: Sneaking in sensory stuff

One of the things we really struggle with when it comes to raising 3 boys in the #Autism spectrum is meeting the various sensory needs. With the whole insurance/therapy fiasco,  we have been having to do as much at home as possible because they haven't been able to return to therapy yet.. Today I did some things with the boys outside,  while Lizze and Gavin were at his infusion. It may look like they're just coloring on the sidewalk but they are also getting a little sensory workout as well.  Both the boys are barefoot and walking on the rough cement.  They are stepping on little pebbles and tolerating it quite well. They are barefoot because their shoes are still wet from last night's water fight.  The front walk is…