#Autistic Artwork

I wanted to share with all of you some artwork that amazingly talented little men did today. They are quite talented and I'm proud to share it with you... **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct is working against me.

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What I found during an imaginary train ride with my kids

Yesterday, I was hanging out with Elliott and Emmett, trying to redirect them away from the meldowns Gavin was having throughout the day. That is often easier said than down. However, Emmett has been pushing the dinning room chairs together lately and pretending it's a train. That in and of itself is awesome to see. Anyway, yesterday I was in desperate need of finding my happy place. I always joke around about that all the time. Well, It's more like 60% joking and 40% serious. Actually, it's more like 40% joking and 60% serious. You get the point. I figured, why not take a ride on Emmett's imaginary train and see what I can find along the way. Elliott and Emmett really got into it and so I thought I…


#Autism, #Epilepsy and sleeping with eyes open

I started on this post a few days ago and never finished it.  I wanted to do so now because I think this is important. The other day Elliott went to wake up Gavin and couldn't.  Gavin's eyes were wide open and so Elliott assumed he was awake but ignoring him.  No matter what he did,  Gavin wouldn't respond. Elliott started to panic and went screaming to Lizze for help.  Lizze ran into Gavin's room and found him laying in bed with his eyes wide open. She couldn't wake him up for almost a minute and thirty seconds.  That doesn't include the few minutes Elliott was previously trying.  Turns out that Gavin was having another seizure.  There were no outward signs like full body shaking because this was apparently another…


What kids show do you HATE the most

We all suffer through watch shows with our kids.  While we enjoy the time with our kids,  the suffering part comes along with the obnoxious shows they have on for kids anymore. I thought it would be fun to share what shows we hate the most and why. Personally,  I can't stand Dora the Explorer.  I don't know that I have a really good reason for it,  but after years and years of having it crammed down my throat,  I simply can't stomach it any more. I mean,  who let's their little kid wander the jungle alone with a friggin monkey anyway? I also don't like how they make very dangerous animals look friendly and approachable to kids. Who really pals around with an anaconda for a day and doesn't…


My back is out

I woke up this morning and I can barely stand up.  My back has gone out and I'm in so much pain I'm sick to my stomach. I walked last night and perhaps that's what happened. All I know is I hope to God this goes way fast because I can't take this. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct is working against me.


#Autism and Nightmares

Elliott woke up about 2am and couldn't go back to sleep. He had a nightmare and then saw monsters in the ceiling. Needless to say,  I haven't had much sleep. In my experience,  kids on the autism spectrum have a more difficult time going back to sleep after a nightmare,  but that could also just be my kids. I'm so friggin tired.... **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct is working against me.


Major meltdowns return

Gavin had a second,  humongous meltdown last night. It lasted about an hour and was quite violent. For the first time,  Gavin in went after me.  He kicked his shoes and just missed me. Gavin had been playing with Elliott and Emmett and was creeping them out.  The boys were getting upset and asking him to stop and he wouldn't.  Lizze had been watching and intervened as soon as it was apparent that Gavin wouldn't stop. The subsequent meltdown was so loud,  I couldn't believe that no one called the police. I honestly don't know how we dodged the bullet on that one. His meltdowns are getting worse and they are affecting the other boys. I have a post explaining more details about just how the boys are being affected…

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One step closer to the Cleveland Clinic

I was able to get a hold of the Cleveland Clinic today on Lizze's behalf. As of July 1st, they are supposed to except our insurance.  This means that I can finally get her a second opinion and maybe,  just maybe put an end to the 6 month old migraine. This has obviously been an ongoing issue and we have been trying to find her relief from this unending pain. I expect to hear back from the Cleveland Clinics financial counselor sometime on Tuesday to finalize the insurance information and schedule an appointment for as soon as possible. Hopefully everything goes according to plan and we get a next day appointment. Lizze is so bad at this point that she is having a hard time eating because everytime she does, …