Please keep Lizze in your thoughts

Please say a prayer for my wife Lizze or keep her in your thoughts. She in really bad shape right now. Her migraine is still in full effect,  6+ months and counting.  For about the last 2 weeks or so,  she has been dealing with serious back problems.  It's become so bad that she finds herself physically ill on many occasions,  simply from the pain. Her doctor says she suffers from degenerative discount disease but he is going off an older MRI.  Clearly something is wrong and that's why she is supposed to have a new MRI this week. Unfortunately, that has been put on hold and will need to be rescheduled because it conflicts with Gavin's autonomic testing.  You want to talk about a crappy situation to be in, …

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Life is lived one appointment to the next

This coming week is a really big week for the Lost and Tired family.  We have a ton of traveling to do and things are going to be very stressful. Monday,  Gavin receives his antibody infusion again.  This time will be a bit different and the outcome unknown because he will be getting an increased dose. This is because his levels have been to low and need to be brought up. The unknown part is how he's going to tolerate the increased. Basically,  it could make him sick or give him a headache. Hopefully,  everything will be fine. Tuesday,  we accidentally triple booked.  Gavin is supposed to be at the autonomic clinic at the Cleveland Clinic,  Lizze is supposed to be getting an MRI and Elliott and Gavin are supposed…

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Why you should be worried about Apple

For the record, I don't hate the iPad or iPhone. I do however, have a very real problem with the company behind those great devices, Apple. Apple is engaging in unethical and deplorable business practices. Instead of actually competing fairly in the market, they are abusing the patent office. Yes, what they are doing is very widely considered to be an abuse. They are patenting things that have existed in the open source community for years and then suing companies using that open source technology and many times succeeding in getting those "infringing" products banned so that Apple can regain or attempt to regain market share they have lost to more innovative companies and their products. This in not good for anyone, especially Apple consumers If Apple continues to employ these…


I fought the insurance company and won

I have finally got Gavin back into OT and Speech.  Elliott will also be starting OT as well,  only for the first time. We are still waiting on paperwork to go through for Emmett. This is a pretty big deal because I took on the insurance company and won. The insurance company said that Elliott was to old to start OT and benefit.  He was 5 years old at the time.  They also said that Emmett is never going to improve. I appealed the decisions,  presented my arguments and 14 days later,  we won. It is possible to take on the insurance company and win.  I don't know what the odds are but they are zero if you don't try. Gavin and Elliott will begin in Tuesday.  Emmett on the…


#Autism and the undercover vegetables

As fellow special needs parents you are probably aware of how difficult and challenging it can be to get our kiddos with #Autism to eat their vegetables.  With 3 boys on the #Autism spectrum,  I'm all to aware of this challenge as I face this every single day. I thought I would share oe of my success stories and introduce you to what I call,  Undercover Vegetables. Undercover Vegetables are vegetables that are tasked with covertly providing nutrition to my kiddos with #Autism.  They perform this task without even my pickiest eater realizing it happened. When dealing with children on the #Autism spectrum,  you basically have to employ creative methods in order to accomplish many things that would come much easier to other families. Basically,  we do what we have…

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I miss my kiddos :-(

As much as I need a break,  at least every once in awhile, getting one is bittersweet.  I know that sounds crazy but I miss my kids when they are gone. Watching them drive off this evening was actually kinda sad for me.  I always sleep better when they're home. I don't mean the quality of sleep necessarily,  but I'm just more at ease. I'm trying to go to sleep right now and all I want to do is walk into their rooms and tuck then in. It really does make me sad,  and honestly I even feel crazy for saying that.  I mean,  I need the break, I get that,  but I'm just not used to being without them.  Sure,  someone might spend the night at our parents house…


The sound of quiet

Lizze and I actually have a night to ourselves.  I'm not talking babysitter and be home by 10pm either. I'm talking,  honest to goodness,  go out,  come home,  go to sleep and wake up in the morning,  childless. This is beyond a rare event for my wife and I.  We never get to go anywhere and haven't ever been on a vacation together either. Unfortunately,  Lizze is in really rough shape so we're very limited but the house is quiet and while I miss my boys already,  I love the sound of quiet. I grabbed a picture of Emmett and Elliott before they left for Grandma's house.  Gavin had already left for my parents so I only got these two.  Thanks for watching the boys tonight for us.  You have…


Gavin’s Lego Creation: A big ship

Today Gavin wanted to share his newest custom Lego Creation.  This is some type of ship and he's really proud of it. He's practicing right now so he can enter a Lego design contest. If he wins,  he gets a trip for 4 to Lego Land in Florida.  He's really focused on this and has been dreaming about being a Lego designer for as long as I can remember. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct is working against me.