Emmett had an accident yesterday

We took the boys to the playground for a little while last night.  They needed the time to just play.  However,  Emmett fell and got hurt within the first 5 minutes.  He was quite the little trooper because he didn't want want to go home.  He wanted to play still.  Way to shake that one off Emmett.  He's okay though.  It looks really painful but he seems to be doing just fine with it.  **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct is working against me.


Emmett’s cover of the “Double Rainbow” song

Emmett's favorite song in the world is the Double Rainbow song. If by some fluke you haven't heard it, go to YouTube and a do a search. Emmett is so stinkin cute and is really enjoying himself. I hope this brings a smile to your face as it does to mine. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Pf-0eDOIzA[/youtube]


#Autistic Artwork: A present for Daddy

There are so many misconceptions about #Autism that I could write a post everyday for the rest of my life and not be able to address them all. If I'm being honest,  I learn something new,  every single day.  My kids are always teaching me something that I didn't know. #Autism is something that is truly mysterious and challening but can very often lend itself to amazing things. My boys prove this to me time and time again,  especially with their creativity. Today Elliott used this workbook that Lizze had and created this picture for me.  He said it was because of how much he loved me.  I thought that was really nice of him and I was so happy that he thought of me. This was something that out…


#Autism, Dysautonomia, Primary Immunodeficiency and the Antibody Infusion

Gavin arrived back home a little bit ago and seems to be doing okay.  He tolerated the physical infusion well and so now it's just a matter of making sure he rests and gets back on his feet. As time goes on,  he does seem to be a bit disoriented and lethargic. This could simply be exhaustion from the infusion itself,  or it could be that his blood pressure is low.  We are going to take things really slow and keep him hydrated. The important thing to walk away from this post with is,  so far so good. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android,…


Gavin’s on his way….

Gavin is on his way to receive his first antibody infusion since his dosage was increased.  We don't know how he's going to handle it. He also will not be able to receive some of the medications that help him to tolerate the infusions. These medications will interfere with the autonomic testing this week. He's also off his blood pressure medications so I don't know what else to expect. To make matters,  Lizze and I are both sick.  My parents were kind enough to take Gavin for his infusion today.  Hopefully,  everything will go well and Gavin will return this afternoon, feeling just fine. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This…


Emmett’s Lego Creation: Airplane

Emmett was playing with Lego’s and he built this Lego airplane. He's pretty stoked about it. I wanted to share this because I promised I would and Emmett was really excited to see his picture on the Site again. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct is working against me.


From bad to worse

This week became much more complicated.  I'm sick.  That's right,  I'm sick. This is the worst thing that could have happened this week. Fortunately,  I think one of my parents are going to take Gavin to his infusion in the morning.  I think I'm gonna spend the day wishing I was dead. Lizze is still sick and not showing non signs of improvement.  It's gonna be a really,  really long week. I could use your continued thoughts and prayers. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct is…