Share your favorite YouTube tribute to #Autism

So many times I have been asked what it feels like to find out your child has autism. I never really have the words but this is a song that really helped me after Emmett and Elliott were both diagnosed. I think it says more than I could. [youtube][/youtube] No that I've shown you mine, why not show me yours ;-) You can simply find your favorite video on YouTube that is autism related or makes you think about your kids and embed it in a comment below. Perhaps there is a song on YouTube that you just find inspiring and would like to share. I think this could be a really cool thing to do. We can all learn something about each others tastes and discover new and inspiring…


Autonomic Crisis: What we have learned

When Gavin goes through things like he did this past weekend,  majority of the time there is nothing learned.  Instead of finding clues as to why these things are happening,  we end up with more questions. This holds true for this most recent autonomic crisis. While we were left with many questions,  we did learn a few things. For starters,  the hospital was able to confirm that Gavin was not actually sick.  This means that everything he experienced was part of the autonomic crisis. This is actually a big find.    We learned that his MRI was clean,  which is good but still leaves a great many questions unanswered. Everyone involved at this point believes that whatever is behind this,  is at the mitochondrial level. Because of that,  Gavin has been…


And the meltdowns begin

Holy crap.  Gavin has only been home a couple hours and we are already in meltdown #2. He treated Lizze like garbage this weekend and did the same to much of the staff.  Gavin is back to his old self and that's both good and bad. I'm so happy he has stabilized and is home once again.  However,  the whole family could do just fine without the drama and meltdowns. Lizze felt very uncomfortable addressing Gavin's disrespectful behavior this weekend because everything was being monitored via numerous cameras throughout the room.  It was a bad situation but we told Gavin that when we walked out of the hospital,  he had a clean slate. Having said that,  he would be accountable for his actions from that point forward.  I do have…


We made it back home

We just arrived home from the hospital.  Everyone is absolutely exhausted and I can barely keep my eyes open. I'll give you all the details of what was decided and or discovered later on tonight.  **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct is working against me.


The Autism Help Forums are even easier to log into

I wanted to make it a point to let you folks know that I have activated Facebook connect on the Autism Help Forums.  This will allow you to sign in with your Facebook account.  This makes the process of joining and signing in much simpler,  at least if you have a Facebook account. Try it out and let me know if you have any problems.  Remember,  the Autism Help Forums are now viewable to the public. However, to post anything, you must me a registered member. You can also "Like"  threads and share them in your timeline. The only part of the forums that are remaining private at this point is the Vent and Purge forum as that's a bit more in need of privacy,  at least for now. **Thanks…


Homecoming 07/16/2012 (2pm)

Gavin jas had his MRI and is ready for discharge. However, things have been delayed because, they had to use a special medication to sedate him because of what they believe are underlying mitochondrial issues. It is taking Gavin forever to wake up.  Once he wakes up,  he can leave. He has not been treating Lizze with much respect,  since he has been feeling better.  That's pretty much the status quo though.  He can be very rude and disrespectful to Lizze.  He says things to her that if I hadn't witnessed myself......, I'm so grateful that he is feeling better but there is no excuse for his behavior,  whether it be at the hospital or at home. Things are going to have to change around here,  starting with attitudes.  I…


Gavin’s coming home: Update 07/16/2012 (9am)

I just spoke with Lizze this morning again.  Gavin is scheduled for his MRI at 10:10am this morning.  However,  because of his history of PICA,  they want to do an abdominal X ray first to ensure there are no medal objects in his system that rip through his insides during the MRI. Lizze also explained that Gavin has had a couple episodes of possible apnea.  We don't know the exact cause but his O2 sats dropped to about 80%.  Lizze had to physically shake him and make him take a deep breath before his sats returned to normal.  We have no idea what happened but it's possible that this could cause a delay in his return home.  In this case. I would be all for a delay because,  we don't…


Autonomic Crisis: Update 07 /16/2012 (7am)

Gavin should be coming home at some point today.  We will know more around 8am.  Elliott is beside himself with excitement over the thought of seeing his big brother. My guess is that he will be released sometime this afternoon. I think that they still want to do an MRI before he leaves. I'm not exactly sure what they are looking for but I'm sure there is a reason. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct is working against me.