The clicking sound my knee makes

I think I mentioned before that I hurt my knee while at the Cleveland Clinic last week with Gavin.  I just stepped wrong and that's all it took.  It really bothered me forbade few days but most of last week was one long adrenaline rush,  so I was able to play through the pain. My knee doesn't hurt anymore but I noticed last night that it clicks when I'm walking un the stairs. It kinda sounds like someone cracking their knuckles. It doesn't hurt though,  I guess that's a good thing.  I haven't walked at all since then and by walking I mean fitness walking,  not walking around the house.  I want so badly to get back into it but after discussing it with my better half,  we decided that…


Tough decisions that many won’t understand

There was a showdown in the Lost and Tired corral this afternoon.  Gavin has been having issues throughout the day, most of which we have let slide.  We did so to try and keep the peace. Lizze nor I have the energy to deal with meltdown, if it can be avoided. However,  as we were sitting down to dinner,  Lizze had asked Gavin a question. It was an it was a simple question and instead of answering her,  he screamed at her.  That was it,  I had run out of patience. When we spoke with Dr.  Pattie on Tuesday, we had decided that we must cracked down on his treatment of Lizze. His disrespectful attitude towards her will not be tolerated. It would be the same for any of the…


Meet Bella and Maggie

Bella and Maggie are more than our family pets.  They have become family members.  Bella in is pictured in the foreground and Maggie is in the background.  They are fantastic and bring a great deal of joy to the Lost and Tired family.  Bella is a pure breed brindle Boxer and has been with business since she was just 5 weeks old.  Maggie is a English Staffy with some Boxer thrown in the mix and has been with us for almost 4 years now. Maggie likes to be a foot stool.  She likes to lay on the opposite end of the couch and have someone,  usually me,  red their feet or legs on her.  Kinda weird but whatever. Bella likes to physically lay on or across people. It was cute…

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#Autistic Artwork: The Chameleon

The boys were playing with Play-Doh this afternoon.  Elliott created this fine piece of art.  It's a chameleon,  you might miss it if you don't look carefully.  ;-) I thought that was pretty darn creative. Nice job Elliott. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct is working against me.


Please keep Emmett in your thoughts

Emmett John has hit another fever cycle,  as the mouth sores have begun to appear in his tongue. He's already miserable and you can tell by the way he's talking.  My guess is that he's got some appearing in his throat as well because he's talking like his throat hurts. So much for this week helping us to recover. The next 10 days are going to be hell for Emmett and all those around him. When he hits these cycles,  he's very difficult to console.  He doesn't want to eat because his mouth hurts,  but at the same time he's hungry.  It really is heartbreaking to watch and frustrating to live through because there isn't much that we can do for him. Here's to hoping this is a very quick…


#Autism and the order of things

I wanted to share this and see if any of you experience this as well.  Sometimes it's hard to know the difference between #Autism's traits and actually personality traits. Emmett has a certain order that he likes things to be done in.  For example,  when he tells me goodnight,  he gives me a hug first and then a kiss. It's always hug then kiss.  He's very particular about this order.  Sometimes I'll give him a kiss goodnight,  only to have him tell me,"no Daddy,  hug first and then kiss,  okay Daddy. " Does this seem familiar to any of you out there? Please share your stories in the comments below.  :-). **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help"…


Please, use your words

We've been having another challenging issue with Mr.  Gavin,  that is less of a problem and more of an annoyance. For some reason,  he has been not wanting to use his words. This is really unusual,  at least for him.  Instead of saying,  "I'm hungry,  can I have breakfast?",  he simply walks around making weird noises. When he was in the hospital,  instead of saying "can I have a drink?",  he would grunt and point.  WTF.....???? He has exceptional language skills and the truth is,  most of the time we can't get him to stop talking. His psychologist believes this is simply part of the current power struggle and I have to say that I agree. We have told Gavin that ofbhe doesn't use his words that we can't hear…


Everything blends together

I don't even know what day it is anymore.  This last stint at the hospital has thrown everything out of whack.  The boys are all thrown off and the friggin dogs are so stressed out that they have diarrhea,  not that you wanted to know that. Neither Lizze nor I have gotten much sleep in the last 7 days.  We're going to look at this week as sort of a reboot week.  Basically,  we're trying to get our bearings and taking this week to do so.  I can't stress enough how much of an impact something like your child spending a week in the hospital has on a special needs family. It think it would impact any family.  Hopefully,  things will clear up and I'll at least know what day…