#Autistic Lego Creations: The Treasure Grabber

This is Gavin's first Lego creation since his fresh start last week. This masterpiece is called the Treasure Grabber. . He is really excited about being able to play with Lego's again and couldn't wait to share this you. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct is working against me.


Autonomic Crisis: Update 08/01/2012

I wanted to update all of you on Gavin current condition in regards to his autonomic disorder.  Gavin just had his 3rd of 4 blood draws for this week.  Incidentally,  he did fantastic this morning.  We heard from Dr.  Reynolds last night and Gavin's lithium levels were perfect.  This is good news but at the same time,  confusing and frustrating.  We were hoping for more information but instead are left to wonder if everything will be okay going forward or if just happened to be okay this week.  Does that make sense? Now for the bad news.  We still are waiting for his meds to get a refill.  This is causing lots of problems.  For example,  this morning Gavin ate a sucker after his blood work and got sick to…


Lizze is going to be moving……

I wanted to let everyone know that Lizze is going to be moving to a new blog and rebuilding from scratch.  What did you think I meant?  :-P As you are aware,  Google detected malware awhile ago.  There was a bad plugin that caused the problems.  Even though Google now recognizes that the dailymommysurvival.com is clean and safe, it takes a great deal of time for things to be reindexed. As a result,  it appears as though her site is dangerous.  I have requested a review through Google's webmaster tools but the process can take months. Basically,  Lizze is faced with the decision to wait it out or start from scratch. After with our fellow blogging friends,  it was decided that she would have to start over from scratch, with a…


No sleep for the anxious

Once again I find myself on the couch, actually,  the squishy couch. Elliott is so overwhelmed by life that he's afraid to be alone and will not go to sleep.  We are camped out in the living room,  listening to music and trying to fall asleep.. It breaks my heart to know that he's so stressed. Having said that,  the squishy couch fixes just about everything.. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct is working against me.

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Lost and Tired’s funniest sign of the day

I found this gem in the pediatricians office the other day.  I thought it was pretty funny. If you're having a crappy day,  I hope this puts a smile on your face.  :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct is working against me.

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Another days worth of good choices

You all know by now that Gavin has a lengthy history of very violent meltdowns.  I wanted to share a brief update on his behavioral progress. Gavin has been home for about 9 days now.  I that 9 days,  he has not had a single meltdown. We are struggling with some annoying repetitive things but he is continuing more good choices than bad ones.  I'm really proud of the progress he's making.  I have not delusions that this will be a permanent fix but,  it's a pretty big step in the right direction.   :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy…


#Autism Help: Help me to help you..

I've been thinking that it would be really beneficial to add localized forums to the #Autism Help Forums.  Basically,  I want to add a section for people that are in the same state (for the US)  and for localized areas in other countries as well.  The reason for this is that people could carry on discussions that pertain to their particular location.  For right now I don't want to get anymore local than the state level,  just as an example.  Another big reason for me wanting to do this is because quite often services will vary by location. Typically,  in the US,  every state has its own programs and services.  By having the ability to have a more localized forum,  information can be catered to the people in that area. …


#Autism, occupational therapy and “catching whales”

Elliott had is 3rd session of occupational therapy this afternoon.  He absolutely loves it.  He does so well and it's proving to be a fantastic outlet for him. Today, he tried something new.  This new exercise was called catching whales.   Basically,  he sat in this plastic boat and pulled this weighted punching bag type thing into the boat. He did awesome and really enjoyed the workout.  Honestly,  he did awesome with all the exercises.  I'm so incredibly grateful that he has this opportunity to learn and grow.  :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos.…