Bella comes home today :-)

I'm so excited to share that Bella is indeed coming home this afternoon. I spoke with the vet's office this morning and she is doing really well.  Emmett is really excited to have her home,  as is the rest of us.  Maggie has been lost and heartbroken since we left with Bella yesterday and came home without her.  She's been sleeping in Bella's kenel during the day and just looks really sad.  Dogs don't have object permanence so when someone or something leaves,  they don't understand that someone or something can or will come back. She will be so happy to see her little friend.. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store…


Tuesday Occupational Therapy and Speech: 08/07/2012

Elliott and Gavin had therapy this afternoon. I've been running around like crazy all morning.  However,  we made it to Concorde Kids with time to spare. Elliott and Gavin both did really well.  Elliott was even patient while he waited his turn. After therapy finished up,  we left to pick up Ms. Bella for the vet.  I'll let you know how that went on another post. The boys really love going to Concorde Kids and really benefit from the therapy. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct…


Commenting conundrum

Hey ya'll. I have been having some issues with comments syncing up with intense debate. This is why you will see that a post has 6 comments but when you go to read them, they are there. I haven't been able to figure this out and so I have decided to move back to LiveFyre. I really like the idea behind it. The only problem is that I can't respond to comments from the Wordpress app. That just means I have to put in a bit more face time with the actually site and not live vicariously through my phone. I know that not everyone likes change and I apologize if this has thrown anyone off. However, I think that it's important for comments to show up for all to read and this does…

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What do you do when you feel completely overwhelmed?

I was wondering what you do when you feel completely overwhelmed by life,  parenting, bills or anything else? I tend to write,  as you are no doubt aware. I find that writing helps to center me and put things into perspective.  The other thing I do is walking.  I try really hard to walk every single day,  at least 3-5 miles.  Not only does this help improve my health but it's a physical exertion and that really helps to burn off stress and other negative energy.  What kids of thing do you do? **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S…


What day is it?

How sad is it that I have to either look at my phone,  or really, really think about it too know what day it is? It seems like everything is just blending together anymore. Not sure if it's stress,  exhaustion or a combination of both. All I know is that the days no longer have that distinct feel to them. It used to be that a Wednesday felt distinctly different than a Tuesday or a Thursday. Now,  as things continue to become more and more complicated,  everything just sort of melts together and each day loses what made it stand out from the rest. Anyone ever notice this,  or isn't just me? **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism…

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#Autism, nightmares and unable to sleep

Emmett just woke up and was having a really bad nightmare. I have no idea what it was about but he's really upset. He climbed into our bed and fell back asleep. He hasn't done the whole nightmare things in awhile. If I had to guess,  it was about Bella. The fact that she isn't home stresses him out. For that matter,  Maggie having similar issues as well. Right now,  they're two peas in a pod. Back to sleep, at least for a bit.... **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how…


Autonomic Crisis: What’s next

On August 28th, Gavin returns to the Cleveland Clinic for most of the day.  In the morning,  Gavin will have skin biopsies done. My understanding is that they want tissue samples from various places on his body.  Apparently they are able to identify some issues by looking at the nerve cells on a microscopic level. About 4 hours later,  we will be on the other side of the hospital meeting with Gavin's autonomic specialist. We were supposed to originally be there at 4pm this afternoon,  but by waiting, we can get everything done in one day.  Plus,  Bella comes home today and can't be left alone.  Making both appointments for the same day just makes more sense. At this point it's frustrating,  but the only thing we know is that…


This is friggin hilarious

If you've had a crappy day or could just use a laugh, check out this video of Will Ferrell on Conan the other night.  It's really funny and I hope it helps you burn off some stress.... [youtube][/youtube]

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