I don’t see no stinkin’ veggies

The other day, I shared with you a bit about my super awesome, ultra healthy chicken noodle soup (see Can you see the veggies?). I explained that I was able to cram in a crap load of super healthy veggies and super picky kids will still eat it.  I was mostly successful. Emmett and Gavin inhaled the soup and even had seconds. Elliott sat and whined because he was not having a good day and honestly, would have thumbed his nose up at McDonald's in that moment. I captured the amazing success with Emmett on film and I wanted to share with you how much he actually enjoyed his chicken noodle soup. Keep in mind that the following veggies were physically present in the soup that the worlds pickiest eater, Emmett,…


Fun was had by all

I mentioned yesterday that the E's stayed with my parents while Lizze and I met with Dr.  Patti.  The boys always have such a good time with grandma and grandpa.  This time was a bit more special than normal because they got to Skype with their aunt Kate. My sister moved to the East Hamptons last year after taking a job as a physical therapist.  Anyway,  the talked to her for awhile via my mother's android tablet.  The boys out on a little concert with Grandpa's harmonica and fun was had by all.  **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S…


Goodnight my friends

I hope you all get a peaceful nights rest,  especially you,  Carl.  Hang in there everyone and have pleasant dreams. Until next time.... Keep fighting the good fight. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct is working against me.


#Autistic Lego Crestions: Robin’s Bike

Elliott's most recent Lego creation is from Lego Batman 2. That's kind of ironic, in a funny way.. Anyway,  he built Robin's Bike.  This is an optional vehicle that Robin can drive,  during the game.  I thought he did a pretty good job of making this cool Lego creation and I was happy to oblige, when he asked me to share it.  **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct is working against me.


The pink elephant in the room

The E's stayed with my parents and Gavin with with Lizze's mom.  Lizze and used our alone time to meet with Dr.  Patti tonight.  It wasn't the uplifting evening we usually get,  most other Tuesday nights. Tonight's topic,  as you have probably already guessed, was Gavin. This was a very open and honest conversation about Gavin's current state and what direction we are heading in? This is not a discussion that any parent enjoys having about their child. However,  it has become necessary to put all the cards on the table, so to speak and talk about the big pink elephant in the room. What everything boils down to is this.  What is actually happening with Gavin and what,  if anything can we do? Before I go into this,  I…


The road to recovery

Apparently,  the road to recovery for Bella,  is paved with countless trips back and forth to the friggin Vet. That's right,  Bella was back into the Vet's office this afternoon.  In fact,  we had to cancel this afternoon's therapies as a result. We noticed that there was some bleeding going on and that made us very concerned.  The 50 mg of benadyrl only slowed her down for an hour or so and her activity level is interfering with the healing process.  Thankfully,  everything actually checked out okay.  The antibiotics are helping and the blood is not anything to be concerned about.  The interior of the incision is healing nicely.  On the outside there is a little gap that made us think that it was separating. In fact,  she may actually…


How do you handle feeling “Lost and Tired”

I suppose the title is self-explanatory but just in case. :-)   So many of you have contacted me and said that Lost and Tired describes how you feel on many occasions. However, we have never really discussed how you handle feeling Lost and Tired. When you find yourself feeling that way, what do you do? I know that breaks are very often out the question. Is there a favorite song you listen to? Maybe a show you watch? Do you talk to someone? I was just wondering, because I don't even know what to do sometimes. At times, I'm listen to music or perhaps more obviously, I blog. I'm always looking for new ideas on how to better cope with what life brings my way. Maybe we can all help each other.......


My goal for the day: Survival

So far this morning, everyone is in a pretty decent mood. Lizze is at the doctors and I'm manning the fort. We have a very busy day, full of therapies, therapies and more therapies. My hope is that today proves to be survivable. I've learned to have realistic expectations. I'm not looking for today to be a great day, I'm just looking to survive it. I realize that I could probably aim a little higher, but why set myself up for failure. :-)