Gavin was home for less than an hour

Gavin was home for less than an hour before he already wasn't listening.  When he arrived home, he wanted to lay down. I thought that was a good idea because he didn't look good. He came down a few minutes later and fell down the last two steps. I told him he need to lay down and he went back upstairs. I had to step out for a few minutes and the moment I left, he started letting himself out of his room.  Lizze sent him back at least twice. Shortly after I got back home,  he let himself out again.  This time, when I sent him back,  he just stood at the top of the steps and ignored me.  Once I got him back in his room,  I called…


When the special needs parent is born

I wrote this after Emmett was born and we discovered he may have #Autism. After 9 months of waiting for your little miracle to arrive, it finally happens. You see your child for the first time and you feel love like you have never thought possible. You may have loved many people or things in your life but nothing like this. Everything is perfect and you finally bring them home and begin your new life as a parent. After a few months, you get into the groove of things. Everything soon becomes second nature. A few months after that you start to notice things. They are little and you probably should not worry but you do anyway. You visit your pediatrician for some peace of mind. They tell you it…


The Batman obsession

Emmett is obsessed with Batman.  Back in June,  Dr.  Patti gave Emmett this Batman hat at our expense of their appointments.  He loves this hat and decided to wear it to Grandma's house today.  As usual,  I just had to take a picture because he is so stinkin cute.  :-) This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me. Please join our Autism Help Forums Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store


The War on Stress

The boys were all away for a little while today.  Lizze hasn't been doing so well and I wanted to try to get her out for a bit and distract her from life as well as from her pain. I took her to see The Campaign.  She loved the preview but actual movie, not so much.  I thought it was friggin hilarious but I like movies like The Hangover and Old School. It was nice to get away,  even if she ended up not loving the movie.  The stress of everything is waging war on her body,  and right now,  the stress is winning. The other night, Elliott and Emmett witnessed Lizze crying from all the pain and that was very hard for them to see.  They are worried about…


The coming weeks

In the coming weeks,  the Lost and Tired family has a great deal of traveling to do, in our quest to find answers.  These trips will be to the Cleveland Clinic and they begin this coming week.  Gavin, Lizze and myself,  will meet with a new psychiatrist on Wednesday.  This may or may not be a replacement for our current psychiatrist.  It's more of a second or third opinion. When it comes to some of the decisions we have looming,  we want to be very sure that we are doing the right thing,  for everyone.  We want to rule out anything being overlooked.  Six days after this meeting,  we will return for Gavin's skin biopsies and followup with the autonomic clinic and neurology. This won't be a pleasant appointment for…


Meltdown vs Tantrums

Something I have been struggling with us helping people understand and accept that when Gavin has his meltdowns,  it's within his control to stop. A lot of people see to have a hard time accepting that fact,  and it is a fact. One of my fantastic readers brought to my attention that perhaps I should not be referring to what Gavin does,  as a meltdown. She suggested that instead,  I refer to them as tantrums. She explained that when people think of a meltdown,  they tend to think of the more traditional meltdowns that can occur with anyone on the #Autism spectrum.  Most importantly, these traditional meltdowns are outside of the persons control. You know something,  she's absolutely right. Gavin has control over these tantrums and so tantrum is a…


Can a dog have PICA?

I'll spare you the pictures but Bella has been puking up sticks all morning.  That's right, sticks. Bella eats everything she can fit into her mouth.  She has tons of toys and gets plenty of food each day. I have found Crayola poop outside, on more than one occasion. She loves to eat crayons. We do our best to keep her from doing this stuff but when she goes outside,  she literally rips branches off of the small trees and bushes. I've no previous experience with Boxers.  Is this normal? **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S III. Please forgive…


What should the world know about #Autism?

We are all in the trenches, each and every day.  I thought a great discussion topic would be the following.  What do you think the world should know about #Autism? Basically, if you had the power to make everyone understand one thing about your child with #Autism or #Autism in general, what would that one thing because and why? Once again..... What do think the world should know about #Autism? **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct is working against me.