What do you love and value most about your child with #Autism?

The past few days,  we have had some really good dialogs and I for one,  have learned a great deal from all of you.  :-) I thought for today's discussion,  we could lighten things up just a bit.  Let's talk about what we love and value most about our child or children with #Autism? This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me. Please join our Autism Help Forums Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store


Who cares if he lines up all the cars?

I'm sure many of you have seen things like this in your own home. :-) I'm not sure that I need to say anything else. I guess I could be sarcastic, and say something like, Emmett have #Autism?  I have no idea what you are talking about. :-) Finally,  to anyone that would have a problem with what he is doing,  I have to ask.  Who cares if he lines up all the cars? I don't.  He's not hurting anyone and he's enjoying himself. I'm proud of who he is and I love him.  I made the choice,  a long time ago,  to help him any way that I can but also to let me be,  who he is. This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy…


The domino effect

I want to talk about something I called the domino effect. The domino effect is what I have begun referring to the fall out of some of Gavin's behavioral choices.  Gavin is not responsible for all the challenges that the Lost and Tired family faces.  I want to make that very clear. Having said that,  I want to give you an example of what I mean by domino affect. When I was driving the boys home last night, after Lizze's parents met me at the hospital, Emmett became very upset. He was very distressed by the fact that Mommy was still at the hospital.  He told me,  if we leave her here,  the doctor will hurt her and turn her into a monster. Emmett's 4 years old. He had a…


Almost admitted but home again :-)

Lizze just arrived home from the hospital. I was with her for the first couple of hours. Her parents met me at the hospital and we traded jobs. I took the boys home and out them to bed and they stayed with Lizze and brought her home. In a nutshell, they treated Lizze well and not like someone who was seeking drugs. :-) They gave her 2 rounds of morphine and a CT scan, which turned out to be normal. In fact, they almost didn't release her tonight because her blood pressure was so low. Morphine lowers blood pressure but this was related to an autonomic issue that Lizze is going to be evaluated for at the Cleveland Clinic very soon. She's feeling pretty good right now. I'm praying that…


On the way to the ER with Lizze

I'm taking Lizze to the ER at Aultman Hospital because her migraine is so bad she's that she's in really bad shape.  This is always a venture into the unknown because some doctors think Fibromyalgia is made up and others take us seriously and treat Lizze with respect.  Lizze hardly ever resorts to pain meds but she has them for tines like this.  The problem is that we can't get her neurologist/pain management doctor,  to issue her a refill of her pain medication.  I made a call today but haven't heard back from them yet.  She's in so much pain anymore that she just cries.  Please say a prayer that they can do something to either break this 8 month old migraine or at least provide her with relief until…

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The missing filter

The day is steadily going downhill.  Gavin is being,  well,  Gavin. He's not really doing anything wrong.  It's just that he gets saying everything that he's thinking,  with no regard to who is around him or how little and impressionable their ears are.  Do any of you have this problem? For example,  this morning Gavin announced to everyone how much he just loves comfy pants.  Not a big deal,  right?  Right! However,  he literally wouldn't stop talking about it.  It got to the point where Emmett decided that he wants comfy pants as well.  Again,  not a huge deal, right?  Right! The problem was that Emmett's pants weren't clean and because we couldn't produce them,  he lost it.  Emmett's already in a bad place because he's in so much pain…


Do you believe #Autism can or should be cured?

This is a really hot topic right now.  My friend Kat over at Katscafe.org just wrote a great piece on this very subject. What I want to do is get an idea of what the community thinks and feels about this matter. Do you think #Autism can be cured? Were those claiming to have been cured,  misdiagnosed in the first place? Suppose there was a cure, should it be used?  Would you want to cure your child, if given the opportunity? What are the ethical or moral issues with this? Please keep this civil and treat all those responding with respect.  This is a very sensitive issue but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be discussed. I'll share my thoughts down below, in the comments.    


Treasure hunting

So far so good.  Today has been pretty good so far.  I got up at 5am with both Elliott and Emmett.  I let Lizze sleep because she not doing well.  After everyone was up,  I took them all to the farmers market. We stocked up on fresh fruit of center again.  The boys got to walk around and look at all the booths.  They each got to pick something out and had a blast doing so. It was like a treasure hunt and they eventually found a special treasure. Elliott and Gavin found special rings,  while Emmett picked out a watch.  Hopefully,  this will set the tone for the rest of the week. :-) This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any…