I wish I had the energy to…..

This is pretty self-explanatory. I wish I had the energy to...... This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me. Please join our Autism Help Forums Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store


Operation Hope: Wraparound

I received a call yesterday afternoon.  The woman on the other end introduced herself as our wrap around coordinator.  Actually,  I can't remember her exact title but that is essentially what it is.  Anyway, she wanted to introduce herself and set up our first meeting.  The process has officially begun. We will be meeting for the first time, next week.  It will be very casual and basically a meet and greet type thing.  Nothing major will happen but we will begin to lay the ground work for what lies ahead. I'm ready to get this thing moving forward.  I don't mean to sound overly excited but I'm calling this Operation Hope for a reason.. Making this work,  is the only hope my family has left...... This was posted via WordPress…


Play: Strengthening Muscles and Confidence for Free

So we took the boys to the playground again tonight.  This is the second time this week :-) I'm actually quite proud of that. We went to the playground at Fraiser Elementary School. This is where I went to kindergarten as well as spent many,  many summer days.  They have of course,  revamped the playground completely since those days.  However,  they are fantastic changes.  The boys had a blast and it was very similar to occupational therapy as well.  The equipment they have now is fantastic for what my boys need to work on.  They played until Gavin needed to go home because his heart rate was way to high.  Lizze had a good time and took tons of pictures.  It was nice to see her enjoying herself for awhile…


Into the chaos

Elliott hasn't been back a full day yet and is already incredibly anxious.  He endured Gavin's tantrum this morning and has been in edge ever since.  I absolutely hate that our home life is in shambles. The only thing that we can do is cracked down on the problematic behavior that is contributing to most of the stress. However,  that is a lose lose situation.  If we cracked down on the behavior,  we will be increasing the number of tantrums,  which in turn adds to the stress. If we don't,  than the behaviors that are not addressed will add to the stress anyway. We have to make a major push for medical stabilization.  At this point,  I don't know that medically speaking,  Gavin would be at any increased risk in…


How do you prepare your child for the school year?

I'm currently writing a post for my new job about the new school year.  I think it would be a great topic to discuss locally here as well. We can all trade tips and tricks on preparing out very special children for the upcoming school year. My kids start back next week.  What kinds of things do you do to ease the transition? This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me. Please join our Autism Help Forums Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store


Something has to give

Gavin just had another huge tantrum.  He was very self-injurious once again.  I don't know what to do because taking him to Akron Children's Hospital for 3 days doesn't really do anyone,  any good. We will have to drive back and forth to attend more pointless meetings and ineffective family sessions.  There has to be some way to meet halfway between a diagnosis and medically stability, as far as residential placement is concerned. I mean, it can't be good for him to continue having these violent and vigorous tantrums.  Especially considering that he is supposed to refrain from vigorous activities. Something has to give and do so very soon.  I don't think that anyone can take anymore of this. I think that because of his health related issues,  our hands…


Reunited and it feels so good

After a day and a half without Emmett,  we were reunited.  He was so cute as he went around the house announcing his return. I snuggled with him for a little bit tonight before he went to bed. Bella decided that she didn't want to be left out of the snuggling. :-) This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me. Please join our Autism Help Forums Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store


He’s Home, He’s Home :-)

Elliott just arrived home after a 15 hours car ride.  I got the biggest hug in the history of hugs.  We have squishy couched and he is fast asleep with a big smile on his face.  I'm soooooooo happy to see him.  I don't do well away from by kids,  especially Elliott. These past four days have been killing me but I'm glad he was able to go and I'm even more glad that he's home once again. :-) This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me. Please join our Autism Help Forums Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store