Strengthening resolve

I've mentioned many times before,  that when it comes to Gavin,  I have a hard time accepting that he is capable of the things he is.  In the back if my mind,  there's always this little voice that keeps saying that he's just misunderstood. As a parent,  it's really difficult to believe that your child is broken in a way that can't be fixed.  I know that using the word broken is going to rub some people the wrong way. However,  when I refer to parts of Gavin as broken,  I'm not referring to autism.  I'm referring to the fact that he's missing crucial neurological connections that can't be fixed. These missing neurological connections are the root cause of the very serious mental health issues. Truthfully, I hate using the…

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Emmett and Immunology

We are on our way to Akron Children's Hospital to have a follow up in immunology for Emmett.  With all the Gavin thongs going on, he's overdue for this appointment.  Hopefully, all will go well.  :-) This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me. Please join our Autism Help Forums Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store


How does your child with #Autism handle anticipation?

How does your child with #Autism handle anticipation? For example,  do they stress out while waiting for something to happen, even if it's something positive they are waiting for? In my experience,  this happens when my kids are promised something that either never happens or is delayed.  Anticipation causes a great deal of anxiety in my kids and leads to this like meltdowns, sleepless nights and stress. This is why we never tell them that something is or isn't going to happen,  until we know for sure. I'm sure that this may be different for everyone and that's why I'm posing the question above. How does your child with #Autism handle anticipation? This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I…


Elliott and the anxiety attack

Elliott is really struggling with anxiety right now.  He held it together at school but completely feel apart at bedtime last night.  He was just sobbing and sobbing. He's so stressed out about so many things,  I don’t even know where to begin with trying to help him. My sister made an honest mistake,  and truthfully, it wasn't really a mistake.  When Elliott was in the Hamptons last weekend,  he found this little knick knack that he wanted.  My sister promised him that she would pick it up for him and send it in the mail.  The problem was that was store was over an hour away and she works during the week.  She made the trip and picked it up but couldn't mail it right away because of work…


Behavioral problems with Gavin

Gavin's good day at school was followed immediately by problems at therapy and problems after therapy. During the car ride home,  Gavin was very rude and disrespectful towards Lizze. It got to the point that Emmett and Elliott begged him to stop talking. We met with Dr. Patti and discussed Gavin recent behaviors. She is very concerned about the Gavin's sexual aggression and inappropriateness. We have to keep Gavin separated from his brothers as much as humanly possible.  Our primary concern is for Elliott and Emmett's safety. Wednesday night we meet with Dr. Patti again, this time with Gavin. It won't be a pleasant appointment but one that obviously needs to happen...again. This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I…


Today’s #Autism Victory: Back to school success

Gavin and Elliott made their successful return to school this morning.  They just arrived home and Elliott had a good day.  Gavin was dropped off at my parents cause of appointments tonight but I imagine his day was good as well. Elliott is a little sad because some of his friends have moved to a different classroom.  However,  he doesn't seem too distraught over it.  Soooooo.... With that said,  Today's #Autism Victory goes to Elliott and Gavin for returning to school successfully. Great job boys.  :-) This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me. Please join our Autism Help Forums Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store


Childswork: Easing the Transition to Back to School

Hello everyone. I wanted to share with you my new article that was released today over at the Childswork Blog. You may recall, this is my new writing job and could sure use your support .  If you wouldn't mind taking a few minutes and checking out my article and leaving some feedback, I would be totally grateful. This is how I'm trying to support my family and spread #Autism awareness, all at the same time. Childswork, is my new home away from home and I'll have a new article posting every Tuesday. cough cough- Please let them know that you like my writing by leaving a comment or two or three, so I can keep doing it -cough cough. Also please feel free to share the crap out of these as well.…


Leaving school early

The school year has just begun and already the schedule is getting a bit crazy. Tuesday's and Wednesday's,  we have to pick the boys up from school 30 minutes early. We then have to race to get 2 of the 3 boys to speech and occupational therapy.  I hate that we have to pull the kids out early, in order to get her to therapy.  I especially dislike having to pull them out on their first day back. :-( However, at least their able to go to ther. apy and the school is working with us.. It could always be worse.  This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me. Please join…