My super deal :-)

I snaked a really good deal at Giant Eagle yesterday. It was obviously mismarked but the store honored the price.  Yay me...... I took advantage of the BOGO and also grabbed this as well.  :-) This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me. Please join our Autism Help Forums Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store



Lizze came home from Gavin's infusion at Akron Children's Hospital bringing news of how well Gavin did.  :-) This is really positive as Gavin doesn't always make the best choices while at the hospital.  She even said that things didn't go his way,  and yet he took it in stride.  Way to go Gavin.  :-) It's really nice to be able to post positive news in regards to Gavin.  This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me. Please join our Autism Help Forums Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store


What do you see? (09/13/2012)

Elliott and I did some running around after school today and one of those stops was Clear Water,  to fill up our water juggs.  I was teaching Elliott how to do this and it turned into a great example of an aspie trait. So,  looking at the picture,  do you notice anything? This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me. Please join our Autism Help Forums Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store


What would you do with $1,000,000?

I was sitting here while Emmett fell asleep,  stressing out over all the various expenses I can't meet.  The thought popped into my head,  what would I do with $1,000,000? For me,  it's a lot like window shopping. I'm just sitting here thinking about all the things I would do with the $1,000,000 I don't have. I came up with following list: *these are in no particular order 1) I'd move my family to a safe neighborhood 2) I'd get Emmett into the preschool he needs but is too expensive 3) I would help my family 4) I would get Lizze a nice camera so she can pursue photography 5) I would get the kids the best, most awesome playground for the back yard 6) I would try to find…


Are children with #Autism treated poorly in school?

I posted earlier about the little kindergarten boy with #Autism, denied lunch over a billing issue.  The school claims it was an oversight. Is that possible? Sure. Is it likely? I doubt it but I wasn't there, so I can only speculate. This got me thinking and I decided that today's #Autism Discussion should be on this very topic.  I'm wondering if you feel that children with #Autism are treated poorly in the school setting? Are they treated differently than their NT peers?  Obviously kids with special needs have to be treated differently in some cases but I'm referring to something like what happened to that little boy in the article. Are children with #Autism more likely to be treated poorly or mistreated in general, than their NT peers? What…


FOX News: School Denies Autistic Boy Lunch Over Billing Issue

I was reading this on Fox News and can't help but wonder of those would have happened to a NT child. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. All credit for this article goes to Fox News and the original article can be found at the link. School Denies Autistic Boy Lunch Over Billing Issue, New York News | New York City Breaking News The mother of a kindergarten student with autism is outraged because the boy was denied lunch at his New Jersey school due to a billing issue. reports that Sylvia and John Caravella say they received a note from Cliffwood Elementary School on Tuesday indicating that their five-year-old son, John Robert, did not receive lunch. The Caravellas admit they missed the payment for the first…



Last night got pretty rough.  I finally cracked,  Elliott was in full on anxiety mode,  Lizze wasn't feeling well,  Emmett was screaming and Gavin was being Gavin. After I had my own little feak out,  Lizze and I decided we needed to do something to redirect the boys.  By that time,  Elliott and Emmett were both overstimulated and needed help to come back down. We decided to take the boys to the playground and let them find a distraction and burn off some stress and anxiety. My Mom met us out there as well.  Everyone had a great time and we were able to bring everyone back down their individual places of distress. The only problem we had was with Gavin. We have to be very careful when it comes…


Promise of a new day

I already feel how this day is going to go.  Gavin has his antibody infusion this morning and Elliott was coming up with every excuse he could think of to keep from going to school. I had a rough nights sleep after Emmett climbed into bed with us.  He had a nightmare about Bella being evil and he had to turn her normal again.  I moved to the couch to give Lizze and Emmett more room. On the plus side,  Emmett seems to be in a good mood this morning.  We are hanging out together while Lizze takes Gavin for his infusion.  Hopefully,  he won't find the need to scream all day again today.  Fingers crossed..... This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please…