Operation Hope: Update 09/17/2012

I wanted to update you on Operation Hope. For those unfamiliar with Operation Hope, here's the cliff notes version.  We are in the process of trying to place our oldest son,  Gavin, into residential care.  There are a million reasons why this has to happen.  The most important reasons are that it's Gavin's only hope and ours as well. The Lost and Tired family is coming apart at the seams. Gavin's behaviors play a huge role in that. Gavin has been diagnosed with reactive attachment disorder (RAD) and this is quite serious. Basically,  Gavin cannot form emotional bonds with people and has no conscience. Long story short.. It's not safe for him to be in our house.  He's way,  way to volatile and is becoming more and more aggressive, both…


Massive Tantrum

Gavin just had a massive tantrum.  We had to actually gut his room because he was throwing anything he could get his hands on.  He kick is shoes off and almost sent one through his window. He was punching the wall and of course himself.  He kept screaming "you're so stupid and I hate you", over and over again. He's either talking to himself in the 3rd person,  which is, well, kind weird.  On the other hand, he could be talking to us,  which is well, sorta scary. He went on for about an hour before deciding to stop. The E's were pretty freaked out and Gavin was pulling out all the stops.  He has no regard for how his actions impact his little brothers.  :-( This was posted via…


The pulse of the #Autism community

I have a great many friends in the #Autism community,  both with and without #Autism.  I look at everyone as one big extended family. Sadly,  I know that not everyone is treated well.  There seems to be a lot of judgements being made about people within the community, by others within the community. I was hoping we could start to address some of these issues so that we can continue on with our mission of helping make the world more #Autism aware. I wanted to use today and sorta take the pulse of the #Autism community.  I want to know how you think the #Autism community is doing to raise awareness and support those touched by #Autism? Below are a few questions to get the conversation started.  1) Have you…


Today’s #Autism Victory: Brotherly Love

Today's #Autism Victory is going to Elliott and Emmett.  While much of the time they are busy screaming at each other,  this morning was a little different. After waking up this morning, Emmett and Elliott snuggled on the couch with their stuffed animals and watched Blues Clues. It's really nice to see this,  even if it's only short lived.   :-) Have you had any recent #Autism victories? Remember a victory is a victory,  no matter the size.  We celebrate all victories here at Lost and Tired.  :-) This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me. Please join our Autism Help Forums Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store


#Autism, Anxiety and Medications: 09/17/2012

Lizze was feeling pretty good this morning and so she took Elliott to his appointment.  They have likely just arrived and will be meeting with the doctor shortly. Hopefully this appointment with will end with Elliott on some type of anti-anxiety medication. He desperately needs this.  Please cross your fingers that we can get him the help her needs.  :-) This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me. Please join our Autism Help Forums Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store


How does your family feel about Monday’s?

Personally,  I hate Monday's. Traditionally, this is the worst day of the week for the Lost and Tired family. I think this because Monday is a transition day between the weekend and the rest of the week. In a family where 4 of the five of us are on the #Autism spectrum, transitions don't normally go well for us. Anyway,  this got me to thinking,  which led to wondering how your family handles Monday's? How does your family handle Monday's? Do they go well or do you share the same nightmare as me? How about transitions in general? Please join us for today's #Autism Discussion and let's share our stories with each other.  :-) This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any…


Survived the weekend

Sunday is finally over and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't sorry to see it go.  I just experienced the longest day ever. The boys were pretty well behaved but had way more energy than I did. Anytime I have less energy than the boys, it's not a good thing. I'm so much more easily overwhelmed when I'm at this type of deficit. Having said that,  I survived,  as did the boys. :-) I even accomplished a few things.  I worked on my new article for Childswork and did some laundry. I cooked dinner, helped Elliott with Portal 2 and even straightened up the house. Lizze had fun with her Mom and hopefully it did her some good. We have a long week ahead of us and I'm…


Sorta getting along

The day has gone steadily down hill since I mentioned how well things were going earlier. Mostly the problems are between Elliott and Emmett. Emmett wants everything that Elliott has and so he tries to take both from him.  This makes both Elliott and Emmett start freaking out.  This ends up with Emmett screaming for extended periods of time.  Lizze's return home has been delayed by a poor sense of direction.  ;-) For a little while Elliott and Emmett actually got along. While it was short lived,  it was nice nonetheless.  This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me. Please join our Autism Help Forums Look for "Autism Help" app at…

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