Bella is at the Vet

Here's the deal with Bella. She is on her way to the vet. Lizze called them first this  morning and they needed to see her right away. We are basically dropping her off and they are going to do a series of xrays. They said regular and possibly barium xrays as well.  If she needs surgery they are going to call us.  Lizze explained the situation and someone there apparently someone reads this blog and so they know how important Bella is to Emmett. They told Lizze that they will not make us choose between surgery and putting her down.  They will work with us on payments if she needs anything invasive. Hopefully, God willing, everything with be okay. She's having tummy issues this morning so please continue to keep…


I’m so proud

Emmett has come so far. He's accomplished things that have me simply amazed. I'm not going to explain these pictures ecause they should speak for themselves.  This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me. Please join our Autism Help Forums Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store


A message to my readers

I wanted to take a second and thank all of you for all the support you have shown my family.  I'm so grateful that you all come and visit here.  I'm humbled by all the kind words you share with me and touched that you feel comfortable enough to share a part of your life with me. I hope to continue growing Lost and Tired use it to reach out to others and spread #Autism Awareness.  I have the very best readers in the world and I'm honored to be a part of your day. Thank you for everything.  :-) This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me. Please join our…

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Please keep Bella in your thoughts

Lizze and I arrived home about an hour or so ago.  When I went back to get the dogs and let them out,  I discovered that we were in trouble. Bella had bounced her kennel over far enough that she knocked a box over that was full of various power/computer/HDMI cables.  There was also a box of screws and those little metal shims that you use to secure a pane of glass in a windows frame before glazing.  You can see those below in the little orange container. There were hundreds of those little shims and an unknown about of screws but likely at least several dozen. As you can see,  Bella went to town on everything.  We have no idea how much she actually ingested.  There are sections of…


Lizze’s autonomic journey: Arrived at the Cleveland Clinic

We have made it to the Cleveland Clinic with about 15 minutes to spare. That's pretty awesome if you ask me.  I love being early to things.  :-) Lizze is really nervous and all I can do is offer my support.  I don't know what she's going through and I won't pretend to understand. I'm worried about her and I really,  really hope we can find some answers. Most of all,  I want her to find peace and love life as pain free as possible. Please keep her in your thoughts.  We need'em.  :-) This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me. Please join our Autism Help Forums Look for "Autism…


Mystery Picture

I thought it might be fun to start taking pictures and see if you can guess what it's a picture of. My goal to do this like those old science magazines we used to have in school.  Do you remember to pictures in the back? They were pictures of mystery objects and you had to guess what they were. Anyway,  I thought might break things up a little bit.  Here's today's mystery picture.  Throw your best guess into the comments below.  :-) This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me. Please join our Autism Help Forums Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store


What will happen to my child with #Autism when I’m gone?

I've talked about this many times.  I think it's really important to voice our fears or concerns for our child's future because it will help everyone focus on our common goal. Our common goal should be to spread #Autism Awareness so that our children can have the brightest future possible.  One of the things that I think transcends our differences is a common concern or fear for our child's future. The biggest fear I have and that I hear from other parents is what will happen to my kids when I'm gone? That terrifies me and keeps me up at night.  I'm doing everything I can to prepare them for the world and prepare the world for them. I wanted to openly and honestly discuss this because there are many…


People aren’t the only ones scarred by the past

Maggie is our amazing English Staffy. She was rescued from a fighting ring in Akron Ohio about a year before she came into our lives. She's a very intimidating dog but has an absolute heart of gold. She is in so many ways, the perfect dog.  She's protective and fantastic with the boys, which she views as her babies.  She's also great with other animals. Everyone that meets Maggie, falls in love with her. Having said that,  she has this habit that drives me nuts.  She inhaled her food.  This is probably from when she was used as a fighting dog and was under fed. She's about 4 years old now but still does this. Basically,  what she does is eat so fast that she pukes it back up.  When…

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