How did it feel to find out your child has #Autism?

Today's #Autism Discussion is about what you felt when you learned that your child has #Autism? What was your initial reaction to hearing those words for the first time? For me personally,  it literally felt like my entire world was made of glass and had just been shattered. That the only way that I can describe it. Please share your experience in the comments and hopefully by learning you aren't alone, you'll feel less isolated.   This is the best way I can think to describe what I felt. [youtube width="640" height="420"][/youtube]    


Recovering from the tantrum

I'm so frustrated right now because I don't like feeling like my hands are tied.. There is very little we can do when it comes to Gavin until we get the funding in place to get him placed. Gavin's tantrum tonight has disrupted to such an extent that the dogs are peeing on the floor.  Both dogs are completely house broken but you wouldn't know it tonight.  Emmett has been on complete overload this even as well and spent most of tonight crying.  He's already not feeling well and tonight's events just sorta pushed him over the edge. Elliott is spending the night at my parents tonight and is doing well. We had a special dinner with Emmett tonight to try and distract him from the fact that Elliott went…


Residential Placement can’t come fast enough :-(

I'm standing outside Gavin's bedroom door quietly listening to him have an enormous, violent tantrum.. I was outside with the two E's and Gavin was giving Lizze a hard time.  I brought everyone back into the house and sent them upstairs with a snack so I could help Lizze. Gavin was still being uncooperative and I finally had it and told him that he would not be going anywhere tonight. He needs to learn to treat his mother with respect before he gets to go have fun at Grandma's house. The second he heard that, it was on.  He went from zero to tantrum in nothing flat.  He immediately took to stomping his feet and screaming. When I say stomping his feet I mean shaking the entire house.  We tried…


Weird/Creepy Behavior

Gavin is back to completely ignoring Lizze's existence. He looks right through her as though she isn't there. He was doing this before but had stopped and now apparently, he's started up again. It's so bad that he literally looks straight through her.  I don't have any idea why he does this but it really is creepy. If he has a question that Lizze needs to answer,  he asks me instead, even she's standing right there. If I point out to him that he needs to ask Lizze, he'll ask her while he's looking at me.  It's something really bothers Lizze and we have both spoken with him about this but he's still ignoring her. I believe this is one of those reactive attachment disorder things.  This was posted via…


Let’s talk about #Autism and medications

As a special needs family that relies on medications to help improve ours kids quality of life, we have had mostly a positive experience. We have also had some negative experiences as well. I know that placing your child on medications is never an easy decision and can be downright scary. I thought we could discuss our experience and maybe ask or answer some questions about medicating our children with #Autism. How have you weighed the risks vs the benefits? This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me. Please join our Autism Help Forums Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store


Please keep Emmett in your thoughts and prayers again

Emmett has started another fever cycle. I should probably have another name for this because it's less fever and more mouth sores. This explains why he's been so difficult lately. I feel so bad for him and I wish there was something we could do besides advil or Tylenol. He does eat and drink coconut milk products which helps but he's just miserable. He's okay when he's distracted but when he's like this, the combination of him and Elliott is explosive. We most likely have at least a week left to help him through this before the cycle ends. :-( This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me. Please join our…


Helping hands

Emmett is very eager to help with just about everything but washing his hair.  He hates water on his head.  Yesterday he asked if he could help me bring in the trash cans and recycling bins. I was happy to allow him to get some hands on experience.  He did a great job helping and even reminded me to wash my hands when we were done.  Awesome.  :-) This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me. Please join our Autism Help Forums Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store

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Lizze’s Autonomic Journey: What we learned

I want to apologize because I meant to post this on Wednesday but the whole Bella thing.... Anyway,  I wanted to let you all know what we learned from our trip to the Cleveland Clinic. As you know,  Lizze was there Wednesday for an autonomic evaluation..  Here's the long and short of it.  Basically, she seems to have some autonomic dysfunction but very minimal. We also learned that it's very unlikely that any of her many symptoms are related to autonomic dysfunction at all.  They are however,  very concerned about the medications that her current neurologist has her on.  This of course, has been a major concern of mine for quite some time now.  They feel that until we get Lizze's 8, almost 9 month old migraine under control there's…