Does your special needs family get the support it needs?

Today's #Autism Discussion is about support. As a special needs family, sometimes we need help.  The question is, when you need help,  can you find it? Does your special needs family get the support it needs? Are your friends and family supportive?  How about other organizations,  churches, schools etc? This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me. Please join our Autism Help Forums Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store


#Autism and a higher threshold for pain

Elliott was at the pediatricians office this afternoon because he's been sick the past few days. Turns out he has croup. He sorta figured that as he's been barking like a seal. However, he also has a really bad ear infection. The doctor couldn't believe that he wasn't complaining about it. In fact, we were shocked to learn that as well. Our doctor said that Elliott mist have an incredibly high tolerance for pain. That surprised us as well because Elliott tends to complain about every little ache and pain. I thought I would ask you all if your child on the spectrum does anything similar? Perhaps it's a sensory processing thing? I was just curious because we feel terrible that we didn't pick up on this earlier. He just…


Do you live in Northeast Ohio?

I have been toying around with setting up a local support group for those of us  in my general geographic region. I wanted to find out if anyone would be interested in something like this. I think the tone of the group would be that of this blog. It would be nice to make some local connections and it would reinforce that we are alone. I'm aware that there is much out there, at least in the Canton, Ohio area, in the way of support for #Autism and the families of those touched by it. If we do this, I would require the same that I require on this site. Everyone is treated with respect and no one is torn down for their personal beliefs on things like vaccines etc. If you…


Autistic Works of Art: Sonic Generations

So Gavin brought something home that he had been working on at school. I didn't realize just how big this was, until I saw him unfold this thing.  Gavin has a been in a very long term relationship with all things Sonic the Hedgehog for as long as I can remember. He created this work of art to decorate his bedroom door. He was anxious for pictures to be taken and displayed on my blog.  Please feel free to leave your positive feedback in the comments below.  He loves to read what you folks think of his creations.  :-) This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me. Please join our Autism…


Good News/Bad News

We got some good news today from the immunologist in regards to Emmett.  You may remember that he recently had a follow up appointment and there was concern that Emmett may have herpes and something called Natural Killer Cells. The doctor was concerned that Emmett may have somehow contracted Herpes and that these cycles were more like outbreaks and the sores in his mouth were actually brought on by the Herpes simplex virus. In a rare,  positive twist of fate, it turns that we know for sure that Emmett doesn't have Herpes.  That's awesome..  We had no idea where that would have come anyways.  He also doesn't have whatever the heck that Natural Killer Cells thing either. I'm thrilled to get this news,  I really am.  However,  much like a…


A nap did the trick

Thank goodness,  I'm feeling much better now after my nap.  Elliott on the other hand is not. He's grouchy,  miserable and coughing up a lung. We are going to get a hold of the pediatrician and maybe get him in.  We have to be careful with him because his asthma makes him more susceptible to respiratory issues. What really sucks is that we have a 30+ minute drive to the pediatricians office and I know that will be uncomfortable for Elliott.  I'll keep you all posted.  :-) This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me. Please join our Autism Help Forums Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store


Behavioral problems before school today

Gavin has been having problems already this morning.  He wasn't listening before school,  with the added bonus of being disrespectful to Lizze....again. Because he was so uncooperative this morning, we fed him oatmeal for breakfast and called the school and made sure they knew that he had already eaten. To his credit,  he didn’t throw a fit. He accepted the consequences without further incident.  I suppose that a positive thing, right? This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me. Please join our Autism Help Forums Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store


Apparently it’s my turn

I'm feeling under the weather this morning.  I don't know if it's lack of sleep or what. I just know that I feel like I've been run over by a freight train. I'm gonna take a little nap and with any luck, I'll feel better when I wake up. This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me. Please join our Autism Help Forums Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store