What do your kids with #Autism like to do when they’re sick?

I thought it might be interesting to discuss what our children with #Autism like to do when they are sick or not feeling well. Personally, I want to just stay in bed when I'm sick but my kids are a different story. Being sick to them just slows them down....A little.  It's actually really hard to get them to rest.  Elliott and Emmett just don't want to lay down.  Gavin on the other hand does really well when he's sick.  He will just stay in bed and sleep. I'm trying to get Emmett and Elliott to rest so that their little bodies can fight off that is ailing them. The only way to get them to chill out is with video games.  Emmett, as seen in the picture below, is…


1 on 1 time with Emmett

While Lizze and Elliott are at the doctors this morning,  Emmett and I are going to have some 1 on 1 time.  Since he's still sick as well, I need him to rest and get and God willing, take a nap. I think we are going to snuggle on the couch and watch a movie and maybe play Bad Piggies on my phone. If nothing else, I at least get to spend some time with my little Emmett John. This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me. Please join our Autism Help Forums Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store

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Back to the pediatrician…again

Elliott’s been sick for almost a week now.  He's missed the entire week of school as well.  The main problem that is still concerning is his horrific cough.  I realize that the cough may just be lingering but when your child has asthma, it's kind of a different story.  There are extra things to worry about and  precautions to take because asthma complicates things like croup. Elliott,  while cute as ever, looks like death warmed over.  He's really pale,  cranky and not sleeping well.  Lizze spoke with the doctor again this morning and they want him back in.  They are concerned that it may have turned into something like bronchitis.  Lizze is feeling better today so she's going to drive the 40 miles or so to the doctors office this…

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#Autistic works of art: Not entirely sure

So Emmett created his own Portal 2 level on a piece of paper.  At the time, he explained in great detail all about this but I can't for the life of me remember.  I do know that it's creative and he's proud of it.  He actually asked me to take a picture and post it here. I thought that was really cool.  To me, this is a beautiful work of art by a beautiful little boy.. I'm really proud of him and he's really proud of himself.  :-) This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me. Please join our Autism Help Forums Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play…


My New Article: Tips for a successful school year

Hello everyone. I wanted to share with you my new article that was released today over at the Childswork Blog. You may recall, this is my new writing job and could sure use your support . If you wouldn’t mind taking a few minutes and checking out my article and leaving some feedback, I would be totally grateful. This is how I’m trying to support my family and spread #Autism awareness, all at the same time. Childswork, is my new home away from home and I’ll have a new article posting every Tuesday. cough cough- Please let them know that you like my writing by leaving a comment or two or three, so I can keep doing it -cough cough. Also please feel free to share the crap out of these as well.  You…



Emmett hit Elliott again today while they were playing. He left a nice welt on his arm and had Elliott upset for quite some time.  I really wish they could get along better.  This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me. Please join our Autism Help Forums Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store


Not coping

I started this post long before the day took a turn for the worse.  At this point, I'm hanging on by a thread. Having said that,  I'm surviving. I'm gonna be really, really honest.  I'm not coping with life very well right now.  Things just seem to be getting out of control and can't get the car back on the road,  so to speak. Basically,  everyone's sick and extremely grouchy. I'm picking Gavin up from school now and all that's going to do is add more stress to the mix. He's going to start in on Lizze the moment I leave the room and I'm starting to get pretty darn resentful of that. I wish that there could be peace and quiet for just one day. One day without screaming,…


“I hate myself”

This post is going to be incredibly honest because I'm so angry right now.  I have to vent in a constructive manner. Emmett just hurt Elliott again and was out into time out. Upon arriving on the time out step,  he began hitting himself and screaming "I hate myself", over and over again. I want so badly to punish Gavin for this because he is responsible for teaching this shit to his baby brothers. How many 4 year olds scream "I hate myself"?  Probably not many. This is 100% learned behavior and Gavin is the teacher.  Saying that Emmett is responsible for his own behavior is total bullshit, at least start when it comes to this.  He's 4 years old and is learning these behaviors from an extremely mentally disturbed…